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Friday, June 1, 2012


After following the "zombie" stories (I'm sorry I have a morbid fascination with this) I am a collector of sorts of weird information and weird news. Anyway in the latest story I read they mentioned not entirely substantiated stories of mystery illnesses and people in hazmat suits in FL. I decided to see what I could find and found this...
Bio chem warehouse A man who was reported to have been doing research for the military.....makings of a good horror movie, no?
I believe I all ready posted on the man who eviscerated himself.

Anyways what I was originally going to post about was the virus we just got over ourselves. (The timing made for some really awesome bad jokes around here to keep us going)  Apparently there is a stomach virus going around including the usual problems and then extending to leaving you so weak you cannot walk really (apparently unless you are a kid in which case you get to get over it quickly so that you can then annoy your parents to no end while they are still trying to decide if breathing is too much effort) It also leaves you with high fever, pain, skin can't stand to be touched even by air, and the most massive headache of all time. (That part takes forever to go away) and then in my case when my lupus kicked in with its auto immune response I started itching all over like crazy. I had to take a benedryl for that but ours lasted about 24 hours for the worst part maybe the kids maybe 8 or a little longer. I'm so jealous of their immune systems though my youngest has had a couple of mystery illnesses. One which swelled her lymph node under her throat up HUGE and scared us half to death with high fevers both times. Looked to me like mumps honestly. She thankfully (knock on wood) has done okay since then with the occasional cold or virus. I am most fearful of the viruses. We also have to worry about trying to not get the grandparents all sick. 
In any case we are feeling better now and I am off to challenge one of my girls to a karaoke duel.... we do that like every other weekend. 

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