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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What do I want???

 Just some artwork...I need to take more photos for my blogs :P

Today was kind of tiring but the week isn't over. As I said in my previous blog we spent 2 hours at least at the dentist office. My youngest had to have a spacer put in and it was her first time doing this with out one of us back there. *Sniff* My son is going to have to see an orthodontist before we figure out what comes next for him. He is like me. Baby teeth don't want to come out and some teeth never formed. Poor kid. Just waiting mostly to see what insurance tells them they can do. 
It was really hot today and I am wishing for some decent fall weather to come in and cool things off so I can get some serious yard work done providing I can get the kids to actually help with Abby. Hubby tries but hadn't been home much though he has been this week but we've been trying to get stuff done. 
I am hopefully going to find out more on what to do with our situation regarding the city tomorrow. Today we found out that the city basically wants us to go to court and plead our case and probably pay court costs but not the fine (though from the sounds of it court costs will likely be MORE than the fine) They claim they will leave us alone after this and that they are going to look into the violations I mentioned in the paper that are all around at neighbors houses including a HUGE wood pile with concrete chunks in it and poles and such, several other wood piles, tall grass etc. They kept talking about our yard and the only thing we can deduce is they are talking about the parts I hadn't weed eated since they last had seen it yet...again. My weedeater sucks by the way. I want to get one like what I saw in fingerhut that I can pay out that weed eats and also can mow some. Hubby has mowed when he is home (Our mower is really touchy or I'd be doing it I'd like to get the other one fixed so I can) anyway.... We have it all picked up. Just a small spot or so in the carport but otherwise that looks good. We were told we could likely keep our wood shed after I explained about it having the metal braces and such in it. (I photographed EVERYTHING that I could think of by the way I just need to print the photos) I also paid for the article out of the news star showing that the ordinance was changed in 2009 to allow chickens in town. I just wish I could find the other papers I need. I did print off all the ordinance stuff they gave me. I get the impression they are used to dealing with people that take things at face value. I learned not to do that a long time ago. ALWAYS do your own research. Anyway we'll see how this plays out. Got a little longer to go. I still want to move when this place is paid off. I want to live somewhere that I can have a garden that I can expand on... a greenhouse even. I want to have my chickens maybe some quail and doves. I want to have maybe a few goats and learn to process goat cheese and milk. I want to be at least semi self sufficient. I want that feeling of peace that living in the country always brought me no matter what I was going through and I've been through some rough sh*t in my lifetime. I want trees. I would love it even more if I had woods to escape in or a canyon or creek. I want to have access to an out of the way road or something to ride a bike on or go for walks. (too much?) I want most of all to not have other people up my arse to tell me how to live or have to worry constantly about who is going to jump in line to screw with me next. Yeah I want some other things I know I can never/will never have but I can still daydream about those LOL There are things though that are accessible that I can try for. I plan to reach for the stars. I think where I am now I am not in a place that allows for growth or for forward movement in life. In several different ways.

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