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Sunday, September 23, 2012


 drawing I did in art rage. 

I forgot to put this in my regular blog earlier and I've been wanting to kind of keep a dream log lately as they've been pretty vivid and weird. I had one a week or so about my friend's ex husband and I was there watching him talk about moving and this is a real possibility though I hope he doesn't try it. Not very detailed but felt important. 
The next one that stuck in my mind was I was riding a bike (don't have one though I'd like to have...also don't have the figure I had in the dream which I might have if I did in fact have one...Bwahahahha) anyway I was out by where I used to live in Pink and was going down what seemed to be Hwy 102 and it was fall. Lots of beautiful bright fall leaves (not sure if we will actually get much of that this year in reality but it was a very pretty array) Bright oranges, reds, yellows and it had that crisp air feel to it. It was late in the day but there was still just enough light. I was going somewhere but still had a bit of distance to go and the rest of it was on a side road where the trees stretched over the road and it was getting just late enough that it was going to be dark soon if I were to continue on. There was a feeling of nervousness at the thought of continuing after dark as I was alone but yet it made no sense to turn back as I'd all ready ridden so far (from wherever it is I had come from) I was enjoying myself but didn't know whether to go on or turn back and there was some doubt at the thought of either. I was in the middle of that decision when I woke up....though I think I was going to try to hurry and make it to my destination as it would have been dark going back too... I can see a lot of metaphor and such in that one. (also I think I had a good soundtrack going in the dream LOL I like it when I have those dreams where music is playing) 
Then the last one I can remember for now was really a lot like the one I had where I was watching the synapses fire (blue light by the way in that one) and something about consciousness changing  this one though was more of a physical change the body morphing to adapt as well as the chemistry etc....Yeah I know those two are hard to describe or make sense of really. Weird. 
We shall see if I dream tonight. So long as it is not nightmares....oh yeah there are also those other type that I can't really write down but that I don't remember much of anyway. The...non-nightmares LOL 

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