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Monday, September 17, 2012

Moving right along

Woke up today sneezing my head off which is how I went to bed last night as well. Starting to think it may be a tad more than allergies which sucks since my body is fighting off plenty of other things right now. Plus last night my youngest poked me in the eyeball. I swear she has dead on aim for my eyes even when asleep. Anyway yesterday was fairly productive. My friends came over with a trailer and managed to catch my husband home (He's been gone like the last 3 days most of the day out with his Mom til late) so we got all the wood pile loaded, a lazy susan cabinet, and some other stuff and then they left and dropped that off and came back and we gave them the swimming pool which we can't really put up due to the freakish zoning laws regarding if you have a house on the corner. Anyway hubby left after that and I went and was moving totes that we keep food in (extra dried goods) and found that a lid was not put back down on one. (I'm still going to say it was when my second oldest was looking for a bag of sugar to refill the container and didn't put the lid back on right) anyway so the mice got in and of course ruined a whole totes worth of food. I was not impressed. There were still a bunch of mice in the tote I guess they figured they had it made so I showed the neighborhood cat who thinks he lives here and he went to work. I wish I would have recorded this. The first several he ate after he caught and I'd close the lid so the rest couldn't escape. Then he actually would catch two at a time in his mouth. He got full I guess and the next thing he did was off the wall crazy for me. He decided he still needed to catch all the mice in the tote but wasn't hungry so he'd catch them kill them pretty much instantly and then set them in a pile and go back for more. I knew there were a lot around due to the drought and looking for water though here in the last few weeks we've started getting some rain but I'm starting to think something is up because people have been noticing mice, spiders, and scorpions and such on the increase. They are coming up like crazy (mice for us and some spiders no scorpions though knock on wood) We set poison in the shed where the cats can't get it in hopes of killing any that try to nest in there and will be setting traps as well. Anyway our next thing is to mow and weed eat again and try to finish getting the wood shed torn down. I repainted the trim and stuff around  the windows on one side of the house and painted the posts and front piece on the front porch. Wound up realizing later I didn't take anything down for dinner so just did leftovers and wound up not eating anything myself til later that night I went ahead and made some sausage and waffles. Hubby had made it in around 9 or so again. We were told yesterday about a prospective thing that could help a lot. Some place that will help you one time with repairing anything your house needs and if they can't fix it up then they will tear it down and build you a new one. Would be awesome and very helpful if that pans out. Trying to find out more about it. My oldest is trying to find a place of their own and get on her own feet. She may have found a place just waiting on her check now so she can pay first month's rent. I was having weird dreams last night. Something about Washington which I need to tell my friend about. Was struggling to remember this morning. Anyway I need to try to get myself moving to make it through the day. Hopefully my stomach settles and my sinus medicine I am going to take works but doesn't kick my arse too badly. 

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