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Monday, July 7, 2014

Step by Step

Getting things done as always. Today I had to go in and get two teeth pulled. Was going to be one but I asked about the 2nd and explained that I didn't know when I could get it fixed and they said that actually looking at where the damage was on it they recommended just pulling it. That one is the one it turned out was a bit of a pain to get out. They had to wrestle with it only to find that parts of it was tangled with the one in front of it. I am having some trouble swallowing now etc because of the swelling etc but it is understandable due to the amount of work they had to do. So hopefully that will go down soon and I can progress with healing. For now I am finding beef broth is my friend ;) Next week I go in to have my foot looked at to see if they can figure out the problem there and hopefully find a solution. In between I have to do some things with my mom and I still don't know what is going to happen there. With so much going on my anxiety and all is acting up a bit again. :/ It won't be much longer and I'll be wrapped up in school shopping and preparations for that. Once school actually starts we will be starting to work on crafting projects and myself on my painting projects. I think I may have mentioned that several times but I am super excited about it. I have bonded with another cat finally and it wasn't the one I thought it would be. I know I posted awhile back about the rather painful loss of my cat Pounce who was in many ways a therapy cat, friend, etc. I now have a little gray cat who I had no intention of keeping. She was sweet and all but she was one who'd required a lot of extra care as a kitten. Being a manx she had issues with bathing and had to be bathed a lot til she got older. (It was no fun for us or for her I'll say that but it actually was a life or death matter for her...I'll skip the details) anyway I guess now she decided I was her personal human. She has a certain time of the day that is her lap time and she comes and finds me and sits with me. She always happy foots (where they spread their paws out and then curl them and repeat the motion) sings, is just such a happy cat. I really do find her comforting. I guess here soon I need to look at taking her to get her spayed. Her name is Nimbus like the cloud.

 Nimbus giving the really you had to use Flash look? She'd been bathing so had wet patches going :) She is a manx. 
My son has a female that he picked out as a birthday present and he takes care of her. She is actually kind of spoiled. He is going to be saving up to get her spayed too I think. He does a lot of work for the neighbors when he can and he does quite well with it for himself. If he stays on track with his schooling this year he may wind up doing some aeronautics courses or airplane repair. He has an ongoing interest in it.  Our tomato plants are doing fairly well. Mainly the ones we got from the actual hot house not the Atwoods ones. I think though they are a big more costly they are worth it as they actually produce and produce they will! :) 
 I have another bowl to pick. They are really good too!

They were a bit wilty due to sun but are doing better now.

My stargazer I always get excited every year when these bloom. 

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