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Monday, July 14, 2014

July 14 2014

If you're on facebook you all ready probably saw the short version of this but today was a "fun" day. I went in to the foot dr today only to find out I was at the wrong place. (apparently they set the referral up to a different one than I'd been to before) so anyway the papers I had had no number on them anywhere to call and the lady at the desk skimmed over them and said they were out of the city. I said I told them I needed for it to be in Shawnee. So we went next door and hubby and the youngest walked around for a bit while I called my regular dr and told them what happened. Then I thought hmm. I called my son who looked up the number for me and then called them and found out there WAS in fact one on the same street I was on just down a ways and they called ahead and told them what had happened and told me I could still go which is good so we left and went on down and it was at the back of the building not the front but they were waiting on me so I went straight back. Anyway come to find out my Achilles tendon is too tight (makes me wonder if it may be from all those times I got the backs of my heels run over by a shopping cart at full force. ) anyway and that when I first get up from sitting etc that the bones are bending because my muscles and tendons try to over compensate (so the are bending upwards like a loose U-shape) and it is producing lots of little fissures over the bones. The dr showed me some stretching exercises to loosen up the Achilles tendon and then also I have to wear a fitted boot for like a month to take the stress off. (I've broken that foot before with a stress fracture) and hopefully that will help. So in the end that went well. I'd rather the boot than surgery. Then I've been fighting to try and get my mom's prescription for her Parkinson's filled and am getting the run around from the neurologist. They are giving the pharmacy run around too. The medication is to help stop the tremors. (the Tremors can be so bad they interfere with eating and they actually burn a lot of calories themselves and are very tiring as you are always in motion involuntarily) Soooo fighting to try to get her meds. Then my jaw is kind of hurting and that side is tore up because I'm not used to eating on that side so now eating is a bit painful but I'm sure that will heal hopefully sooner rather than later. All in all though progress was made. I'm glad we finally made it in thanks to my son for looking up the number for me and I was able to get it taken care of before it DID turn into another break. Now I have another appt or so to take care of and then it will be time to get ready for the school year. 
 Drawing I did using Lascuax sketch on

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