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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Slow down and smile more

You know I have to look around me and wonder why everyone seems to be in such a hurry all the time. I feel busy all the time myself always one thing or another going on but I try to not feel rushed. I all ready have anxiety problems but as far as my working on going places I've noticed I am starting to get a bit of a complex. Traffic sucks. I mean it always has but especially with having so much road work going on in Shawnee. I've noticed this especially bad but not only with the areas where there is roadwork.  People seem to freak out if they have to wait for any length of time and are always in such a rush to get where they are going. I am pretty sure it is safe to assume that not ALL of those people have some sort of life threatening emergency or actually need to be in such a huge hurry. I've seen so many more recently that seem to have forgotten about the rules of the road and all of them almost seem to be suffering from road rage of some sort. If you are stopped because you need to turn and there are cars coming the other way that you have to let pass before you can or even if there is a car in front of you that is stopped so that you have to stop also. People will freak the heck out. Honking at you, getting right up on your rear, and then sometimes whipping out and going around nearly hitting other cars. This is something I shouldn't see often but I do. Coming back from the fireworks show one night I saw someone who was stuck in a line of traffic that was actually it appears trying to go off on the shoulder almost to try and squeeze in further up the line. Really? You can't wait like the rest of us? What is the huge hurry that leads you to do something that not only really doesn't get you anywhere but can put yourself or someone else in danger? I mean seriously I see horrible drivers like that far more often than I should. I see people out in public that just seem to have no patience as well. Thankfully I am still seeing enough people who take the time to take note of those around them and do nice things which I'd like to see more of. I try to keep in mind someone may not be having a good day and that is why they are acting the way they are but I also know that moods are contagious and they spread out like ripples on water. Say you have someone in a bad mood and they do something where they essentially share that mood with someone else. They likely dampen that person's mood and then they go on to share it with someone etc. The same is true for good moods though. We try to do little things like say someone in line has 2 items and you have a cart full. So long as you aren't putting someone else out doing so let that person go first. Just little stuff like that can actually be good. We do that a lot and people just act way more surprised than really I'd expect. Open the door for people. Pay a compliment. I mean seriously it isn't that hard and it can do more good than you realize. Slow down a bit when you can and stop and think are you really in such a hurry? You tend to miss things around you when you are always in a rush. Just being pleasant to someone can make a bigger difference in their day than you may realize. You may find you feel better as well. I think people have just become so numb in today's world. If you can change that even a little bit it is worth it. (excuse me for the warm fuzzy type post but hey something else I'd been thinking about. Maybe the heat is getting to me ;)   ) 
On a totally unrelated note I am trying to decide what my next project is going to be. If I want to start a knitting thing (I still need to make a hat and gloves to go with my wrap for winter) OR if I want to start a poster or painting project. So many things to do. Trying to also go through and get rid of stuff we don't need and clean etc. It is supposed to cool down though so need to get some mowing done and probably any of my truly active activities done while I can. 


  1. Jana, now that "60" is closing in fast; I drive a LOT slower than I used to. It's used to bother me when tailgaters would honk to get me to go faster. Now when they pass me, and they usually do, I lean in close to the window and give them an exaggerated wave with wide eyes and a big dorky smile, you know, like they were someone who KNEW me and honked to get my attention. That's when I get their not so friendly gesture. LOL

  2. Hehe :) People just make me nervous when they get in this huge rush. :)
