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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Weather news

 My stargazer lily 

I'm sure by now most everyone has heard about the wildfires in Colorado. I had as well but I hadn't really heard much about the other large wild fires in the other states. More on this fire and the others Apparently the states of Utah, Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho were also affected by wild fires. fire map
The interesting thing is the news covered something I hadn't really thought of but it makes sense to me. That as the climate change continues and there are more large wildfires expected... that the landscape will also change. As forests are destroyed the land will likely start to change to grassland (as they grow back) I could see this. The photos show extremely large swaths of nothing but ash. These were obviously a lot of older trees in some areas. I remember reading awhile back (like beginning of last year or maybe even the year before) that wildlife had been moving more to other areas. Before any of this happened or the weather changes became so drastic. Preparing instinctively for climate change? For some states these were the worst fires in their history. 
On the other side of the US severe storms knocked out power to large numbers of people across several states. heat wave/ power outages 100 plus degree temps combined with the power outages (some power outages expected to last through the week and some longer..with the 100 degree temps expected to last as well) are making for some very bad conditions for people as well as the storm damage itself with more storms it seems expected. This same heat wave is stretching across the US. I've noticed news also that crops are struggling with the heat and not just in the US of course. News that over the last few years the crops in Canada have been having trouble. This is still a good example (or several) of why preparedness is leaving. Whether it be knowing where the things you'd want to leave your house with are or having supplies stored (such as water) for longer conditions without power and such in the heat. (a week can feel a LOT longer with no power and no access to news by the me. Been there done that and for longer.

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