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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Air Conditioning=Heaven/ Political rants

I think the title of the blog says it all for me at the moment. We have a water cooler that I will always be eternally grateful for...given to us by our future son in law's grandparents. That thing has been such a life saver especially when the summers have been getting hotter and hotter and the winters never really cool down. Also it is much cheaper to run than a regular a/c (cheaper electric bills) and actually works better. Anyways ours has been having issues with the constant heat and my husband has had to work on it several times this summer. Today it went out entirely for awhile. I don't regulate body heat like I'm supposed to anyway and with my sjogren's I can get dehydrated very easily. (so if you're pouring out sweat and I don't normally sweat at all...yeah not helping) anyway so today we had no air and it said 104 on the computer but most people were saying 107...all I know is anywhere past 100 I don't care it is just excruciatingly HOT. In the house it can get even hotter with no air. Anyway so he finally got it tentatively running though we can't turn it off without unplugging it and it only will run on cool til we get it better fixed and he thinks it is something to do with the control panel...for now though I am in absolute heaven. 
Anyway yesterday was so busy that I never had a chance to come back and do my blog like I'd thought. Part of it was spent fighting off the phone company...which I just realized  I will have to call back. They keep calling my mother constantly to try and sell her things til yesterday she finally gave in and said yes though it was something she didn't really want. Then I called to cancel it and they had to get her approval for me to be on her account which we took care of and they also supposedly added some deal to keep her from getting the sales calls. Well today they are still calling her to sell her stuff and I guess Monday I have to call to take care of it again though I spent half an hour to like 45 minutes (probably closer to the 45 min) on hold. I also spent a lot of the day trying to get a hold of someone at the school which never happened so Monday we have to go down there. Did several loads of laundry which I think insta dries on the line. Dinner was late as well and just everything was hitting and I think when I came in at 1pm after working on the chicken coop (trying to get shade going) I didn't have a clue that it was anywhere near that late. Today it has been just too hot to even think. 
I am trying to come up with other ideas to keep everyone cool here as well. Hoping I am actually losing weight because with this heat I have no desire to eat really at all. 
Anyway here more recently as the elections get closer more people are getting very politically opinionated. I had gone through my phase of that I guess early on and I still have my opinions but had been biting my tongue more as of late. Getting more difficult to do. For some reason though one thing in particular has incensed me. When people start hollering socialism and saying that anyone needing help must be lazy or that anyone who has been on help must be lazy. This for some reason really pisses me off. Mainly because people are saying this with out having a clue of what others may be going through. More so now than ever with the economy being what it has been. People who have never needed help before are now needing it because things are continuing to get harder and harder. Jobs are harder to find even those which were always considered to be a good place to look such as nursing for instance. There is a massive drought going on and even as expensive as groceries and commodities are now that will continue to go up and as it does people are going to be looking more for help. I agree that you should try to take care of it on your own first and if you only need that help for a short time only use it for a short time. They really come down on the disabled though and that aggravates me. While a person may look okay on the outside to have no idea what they are really going through. I am myself trying to find another outlet rather than disability. I do not like having to rely on it. I want to do something for myself. The disability I have is rather complex in itself. (I.E. One day it may be a lot of pain and fever the next it may be stomach ailments is unpredictable and therefor harder to work around it but I am trying) It isn't that easy to get on disability either which seems to be something a lot of people have wrong. They think that it is. They do check you out thoroughly (maybe in other states they don't but I know here it is quite difficult) In any case yes people need to try to go it on their own first and don't accept help they don't need but many right now actually do need it and I get tired of people calling names without knowing what their story is. It is generalized. I say if you've never needed it then good for you. Don't stare down your nose at others because you may never truly know what they are going through. Many go through what they can to cover that. I know people that may have name brand clothes...not because they bought them new but because they found them at a thrift store or they were given to them by a friend who was getting rid of it. Yet someone will look at them and judge them based on that alone. They don't bother to look any further. I think what bothers me most right now is as I've said recently. Instead of standing together we are falling apart. The country is divided. Here are some of my own stances and I honestly do believe everyone has a right to their own opinion but it kills me when someone's own personal belief affects someone else's life so strongly yet as long as the one person gets their way that is all that matters to them. Anyway same sex marriage: How is this hurting me? It isn't. It kills me when do to someone's personal religious beliefs they feel the need to deny rights to someone else. They pick and choose what to go after. They can get divorced and remarry all they want which is also against those same religious beliefs but they will deny that same right to people based on the fact that they are same gender. The chick fil a thing? I believe the guy has a right to his opinion but maybe it wasn't such a good idea to extend that opinion to represent that of his business and whether intentionally or not...everyone who works there. That being said it is his right and his opinion though I may not agree with it. Now on another note when people start boycotting his store because they don't agree with said opinion the other side  start hollering that we are trying to do away with their right to free can't they do the same with the stores that are openly gay rights advocates? How did we take that away exactly? Please do inform me. I did also hear that the chick fil a guy is firing women because he thinks they need to be stay at home mom's. I'm sorry but if I am looking for a job I am not doing so because I don't want to be a stay at home mom. Most Mom's would love to is because I need the money to take care of those same children. To pay bills and keep a roof over their head and keep them fed etc. You aren't doing me any favors by firing me for that reason as I'd just have to go find another job....while also suing your ass for gender discrimination if I have the time. chick fil a< this article from Huffington post really only mentions the one though there are other articles mentioning others. 
Religion seems to play so heavily in politics right now...where honestly has no place. Religion to me is a personal thing. Between a person and their higher power if they have one or if not still a personal thing. That doesn't mean you can't talk about it that means that you have no right to govern others lives based on your own belief. Yet the churches seem to fail to see that line anymore. They are supposed to be there to guide not govern. To help people make the right choices not make it for them and the right choice being what is right for that person not what they the church believes is right for them. Now churches are sticking their fingers in the political pot so to speak to stir it and try to control others using laws.  Something I've been seeing churches use a lot more lately also is peer pressure. Another thing and this is with the catholic churches is they are using money. If they try to push their religious ideals in the medical world and it doesn't work...what works better than to buy up the local hospitals so that the public has no other choice. (that is what has pretty much happened locally) Honestly I walk my own path for a reason. I have been there and done that with the private christian school and the strongly christian family. It just isn't for me. I definitely don't want my government trying to tell me how to believe. 
Abortion: Not something that I would choose for myself unless my own life were in danger and therefor the repercussions would affect my remaining children and husband and even then I'd try to find another way. That being said I can't make that decision for another woman as I don't know her circumstances. That is not for me to make. It isn't for anyone to make other than her and her dr. I don't think the government or others due again to their own religious beliefs should have any say in that. They are not required to have them for themselves either. Yet people guilt others and usually without knowing an inkling of what they are going through. These same people are usually the ones against receiving help and calling those same people lazy for needing it. The same people who call themselves christian and yet if they look back at the person they supposedly strive to be like they are so far from it. It is sad. I've seen athiests, buddhists, and pagans who are far more like it even though that isn't the religion they follow. It really falls to the individual and how they act to others not the religion they claim to follow. 
I will cover other topics later probably but my son is wanting his computer time and so I am off to go put laundry away I guess for now. 

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