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Wednesday, May 2, 2012


This has been an insane week or two. One morning when I was asleep (Hubby and I take turns. I take first shift sleeping then him because we always stay up too late and then our little one gets up too early) anyway we had a couple of police come to our door asking him if he'd seen someone wearing all brown clothes with a backpack. He told them no because he hadn't and they began to question him wanting to know who all was in the home and wanting all his information etc. When they left he woke me and told me what had happened so I turned on the scanner to see what was going on and heard the same two cops carrying on a conversation via radio about us. They were talking about how suspicious it was that we had an alarm on our front door ($20.00 alarm you can get at great but not all that big of a deal) anyways because our house does not appear like one that should have an alarm. Okay because apparently if you have an old house and all you aren't supposed to have things that matter to you or don't care if you are broken in to I guess??? That among many other reasons to have one. I mean our neighbors house was broken in to as well... Anyway then I proceed to listen to them going on about doing everything they can to find a warrant on us (there isn't one we don't do anything) they spent forever on this topic and were very frustrated that they couldn't find anything on us. Then I had also called in and asked if there was anything we should watch out for regarding this person wearing brown even though at this point I figured that was a load of crap. They didn't give any information on any of it and basically blew me off. Not long after all of this I get a phone call that someone had blocked the number (private call) and just sat and listened for a long time when I answered. You could hear people talking in the background. I hung up on them after a few. Well then a couple nights later we were trying to watch a movie and it was of course late (night owls) and we start getting lights shining in the window bright enough to be unignorable so we get up and look and realize it is a cop car spot lighting. They spent a good hour doing this before we decided to call in and ask what was going on (they wound up waking our youngest) They had been going around and around the block doing this and there were 2 or 3 cop cars involved. I was told that they thought there was some guy walking that needed help...(story did not fit for me) and that they had heard a dog barking down the road from me and were going to check it out but everything was over with..... They spent about another hour spot lighting til we gave up and went to bed...again their story sounded like a load of crap. Then we had city workers coming up and driving by the house really slow when my son and I were out doing yard work. Then a day or so later after I'd been saying for that length of time that they were going to do something we left the house for about an hour or a little longer and come home to find a notice on the front glass (waited til we were gone I felt like) that was saying we couldn't have chickens (I knew that was wrong and I will get into that in a minute) and that we had lean to shelters on our property. I was LIVID so I called and got an answering machine and it sounded like someone had picked up halfway through the message and disrupted it but didn't say anything. I went and told hubby we needed to go in before they left city hall for the day and we went down there and it was locked and we went outside just as they were pulling out from by the police dept (behind the building) so we caught up to them and asked about it and they wouldn't tell us anything til the next morning when they came by. Though I did manage to get in that it was my understanding that we can have chickens they just have to be such and so many feet away from other residences. When they did they told us I was right but we do have to move our coop and we offered to get rid of our rooster so that we knew he wouldn't bother anyone..that part has upset our neighbors. They all like hearing him surprisingly and the one especially wants us to see about getting a smaller rooster that might be quieter. (Like a bantam). They informed us that the lean tos they were talking about were our sheds that have been there since anyone can remember (Long before we even bought the place) So those are okay. We do have to clean up some (I.E. organize our wood pile) and clean up our carport was in a mess because we've been moving stuff around (and actually was not viewable from the road unless a vehicle was moved) and we have to put a fence up around our pool or take it down so hubby is picking up some fencing to put around it. I'd actually been waiting on this. I'm not sure what else they will try and pull but thankfully the guy is willing to work with us as long as we do everything we are supposed to which of course we will. We were told it was one person behind us who called (Who lives farther away than the neighbor that told us she loves hearing the rooster and doesn't really even hear him that often and that these people are never home....that is because they drive around and around our frikking block over and over and through the alleyway. They seem to have it out for us and we don't even know them that I am aware of. Been doing this for awhile) anyway then they said it was also two city council members leading me to wonder if this is related to the Thompson (city manager) deal. I had apparently gotten his attention with my newspaper blogs at one point in time and he was actually using city workers to try to find out who I was. (I was told this by some of the employees themselves it was a crazy ordeal but I am used to those by now) Mainly because 1. Why would TWO of them call in when only one of them is over my area? and 2. neither of them live close to my house and 3. Even if a neighbor had called them to complain that goes back to the 1st point....only one of them would have been needed to deal with it and 4. Why would they complain that I HAVE chickens when they themselves changed the ordinance only a couple of years ago? Makes no damned sense. 

"It is only paranoia if they aren't really out to get you" In any case so now we are doing what all we need to do and I am resisting the urge to spray paint a big mural with "fuck you" on the side of my house. Wouldn't accomplish anything. ;) We are also dealing with plenty of others things such as my FIL's health and my Mom's appts and then money issues, repairs, and my oldest daughter is graduating and not sure if she is moving out yet or getting a job or going to school or what and is going to be getting married. Plenty of normal life stuff to worry about. Ignoring my own health issues atm because we just don't have the time or vehicle to take care of them. I am getting my cat fixed tomorrow so have to keep him in tonight and have to try to get him to keep a collar on soon. I'm sure he will love me for that. 

I have thoughts and such that I can't even really blog about as well. :/ No time to think really and my head hurts all the time. Such is life. Things keep me awake at night because they stir around in the back of my mind at at night when it is finally quiet and I am laying there they slip to the front and hit me all at once. Then the dreams I have are so vivid and I am left the next day feeling tired. 

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