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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Weird news: so called "Zombie" attack

Okay for me the weird news of the world fascinates me to no end. The news story recently about the man who ate another man's face caught my attention of course among the half joking comments of "Well here comes the start of the zombie apocalypse" Anyway so here is the news story Miami Herald "zombie" story Now since this story came out they've figured out who the man was and are looking for witnesses to the story and putting the pieces together. So far no real leads on what was wrong with the man that attacked or anything. I will go more into this in a moment but what just got me is I came across a post of the photo that no one has been able to show yet. I have seen video surveillance footage which just shows the feet etc but there is now a picture of the damage the man did. I will warn you this is very graphic: Graphic Photo How in the hell is that man still alive? (Though I know of people with more severe injuries that lived) but this was a lot more damage than I had really assumed had been done. The strength of a person to rip the flesh off like that with their teeth would be no easy task. I'm not sure if a lot of people realize what that would take without the use of an instrument to cut with. (Gross I know but seriously) As well as the fact they shot him numerous times without it fazing him and he ws growling while continuing to eat. There is rumor that he was on the new street drug that is essentially called "bath salt" I'd seen it on the local news and it is a bad one but I'm still not sure it would cause this degree of violence/strength. Who knows though. I know I've seen stories on certain drugs that seem to amp up a person's adrenaline and make them stronger and numb any pain they might feel.  (Updated local story  on the man) I had thought the other man was nude as well but according to the photo I found he was pantless but still had his shirts. The first link I put up has the video but it doesn't show much. I am really curious how this all plays out. The same night there was an anesthesiologist (I had to ask the obvious...same hospital the injured man was taken to?) that was arrested for being drunk and had an awful lot of cash on him as well as 2 guns and became angry at the officer and bashed his head til he drew blood and spat it at the officer....that story here

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What reason do you have not to prep?

armageddon online posted a list of peoples excuses for not prepping and I just wanted to go over some of these so I will post their article and then will make my own comments with it in another color w/ asterisk. Before I post that I will note that when people imagine preppers a lot of times what comes to mind is people who are overly afraid of the end of the world and are hoarders. While there may be a few like that this is not the majority of preppers. Preppers are people who prepare for unforeseen events that actually occur frequently such as tornadoes, floods, snow storms, hurricanes etc as well as are better prepared for much larger world events such as economic downfall, an emp pulse that results from a solar flare (think Carrington Event ) etc. Events that may not seem as likely or rather did not in the past but as the world is changing events seem to happen with a lot more "Bang" than before and our way of life needs to evolve to reflect that. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, tornadoes, etc are much more devastating now than ever before as they are increasing in size, intensity, frequency, and now we are more populated and there is more to destroy should one occur. Preppers do not tend to run around worried all the time about the "What might happen" Scenarios instead they do their best to be prepared by having food storage, medical supplies (First aid kit) and some change aspects of their life to become less dependent in ways such as raising livestock when possible (Even when in town you can sometimes raise chickens for fresh eggs but you have to check with the ordinances), gardening (You can always raise a garden even if you live in an apartment you can keep a few potted tomatoes, herbs, etc), using rain barrels, solar power, etc.... It is a way of life that used to be more the norm. Preppers are actually more secure in themselves and have less to worry about generally. Here is the list and there is more about this topic in the article:

Top 50 excuses for not prepping

1. "The U.S. Economy Is The Greatest Economy On The Planet - There Is No Way That It Could Ever Collapse" * If you follow the news (and I would recommend never just getting your news from one source I like to use multiple and try to make sure they are as unbiased as possible) we are actually in danger of collapse. We are not the only country right now who is teetering on the edge either. 

2. "Once Barack Obama Wins The Election Everything Will Be Better" 

3. "Once Mitt Romney Wins The Election Everything Will Be Better"  *I think no matter which side wins there is such opposition from both sides that I think we are headed for a lot of turmoil here. There are no quick fixes for anything and I foresee a huge class. There is some suspicion that the higher ups feel the same and are trying to prepare the best they can for this. 

4. "When Things Get Really Bad The Government Will Take Care Of Us"  * They will only do so much to help anyone out and that amount is decreasing all the time. Not to mention if anything happens even if they do step in to help there is a time period in which you still have to take care of things for yourself. After our tornado there was a good gap between when it happened and us finding out whether FEMA would help us. (They really did not help much and we still have some damage that was never dealt with)  You also would take some strain off if you were able to help yourself even just a little. Keeping water stored, having a first aid kit, etc every little bit helps. If a much larger disaster happens there is no telling how much time it may take for them to finally get to you if at all.  It never hurts to be prepared it only hurts when you aren't.

5. "When Disaster Strikes I Will Just Steal From Everyone Else That Has Been Busy Preparing"  *Trust me when I say those who have taken the time to prepare are also prepared to protect what they have worked so hard for. 

6. "The Rapture Will Be At Any Moment So I Don't Have To Worry About Prepping"  *Not everything is about "the rapture" for those who do believe in it. Being prepared has to do with events that occur all the time such as tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, fires, etc. 

7. "The Economy Has Always Recovered After Every Recession In The Past And This Time Will Be No Different"  *putting your faith in the whole "It hasn't happened before so it won't now" scenario is foolish. There  is always a first time for everything and even if there is recovery it doesn't happen instantaneously

8. "The People That Are Running Things Are Very Highly Educated And They Know Exactly What They Are Doing" *Even the most highly acclaimed scientists are always finding fault in their observations with time. After having been through a gov. job interview myself...they aren't so picky as they may seem and if anything are less so. We've also seen from past experience that they do NOT in fact always know what they are doing. 

9. "Wal-Mart Will Always Be There" *No matter what store you fit into this statement you still need shipments to come in to keep said store stocked. That being said during our last big snowstorm in which everyone was snowed in for awhile here with in a week to two weeks the stores were wiped clean of a lot of  basic items and people were photographing the empty shelves ...when they could make it there. My hubby had to go with one of my older kids to the store using a wagon to get food and they were low on items as well. People don't tend to think about that aspect of it. Plus if your water is frozen or pipes are broken you will need another water source.

10. "Our Politicians Are Watching Out For Our Best Interests" *This one I find laughable in the least. The politicians do not have anyone but themselves in mind and it is a popularity game. 

11. "The 2012 Apocalypse Is Almost Here And We Are All Doomed Anyway - So Why Even Try?"  *Same reasons I gave for the people believing in the rapture....

12. "Preppers Do Not Have A Positive Mental Attitude" *Preppers are actually positive thinkers and have less worry than most though are vigilant at the same time. They are all about progression.

13. "If An Economic Collapse Comes I Will Just Go On Welfare" *If an economic collapse comes there won't BE welfare to go on. Too many will be trying to get on welfare, food stamps, etc and the money will be stretched far too thin and it will not be available. 

14. "There Are Some Things You Just Can't Prepare For" * but there are many more that you can so why not  do what you can and I honestly believe that you can prepare for most. 

15. "Prepping Is Too Expensive" *No matter how little you have there are ways. I am on disability and very little income on a family of 6 and we still find ways to do so. There are some veggies you can get seeds from the produce you get at the store or a packet of seeds is pretty inexpensive. You can use your library and learn what local plants are edible (some have good medicinal value) and just research in general. You will find it is a lot easier than you think and in the end you will actually save money. 

16. "We Are Not Like Other Countries - U.S. Cities Are Designed To Withstand Major Earthquakes" * Not to the size of the magnitudes we are having today. There are also cities experiencing earthquakes now that don't normally. The one here in Shawnee and surrounding areas did damage and if we were to have a larger one it could be devastating. Also the Madrid is set to fire off again and new fault lines are being found all the time. If we had a quake even in California who is known for quakes ..the size of the one Japan had it would also be more than they could withstand. 

17. "I Need To Save Up For Retirement Instead" *Retirement is a nice idea but at this point in time it is not necessarily something that will be there either and most preppers look at their prepping as their own form of security and saving for the future. 

18. "The Stock Market Has Been Soaring So Why Worry?"  *The stock market as of late has not really been very stable at all. 

19. "I Don't Have Room To Store Anything" *You don't need a lot of room. A rule of thumb is if you have a twin sized or larger bed you have room to store quite a lot of your food. A windowsill is enough to start some small potted veggies or herbs. There are people who live in small apartments who are able to prep. 

20. "Prepping Is For Crazy People"  *not being prepared is crazy

21. "I Don't Believe In Conspiracy Theories" *again being prepared for events like tornadoes, floods, etc is not the same as preparing for the end of the world. Most people are just learning a life style of self reliance. 

22. "All The Food I Store Is Going To Go Bad" *Not if you store the right kinds of food such as beans, rice, etc. You can even store eggs for long periods of time unrefridgerated if properly stored (cool dry place with mineral oil on the shells and you can test them later by putting them in water to see if they float to make sure they are good) You just need to know your foods and storage methods and with foods that can go bad you need to keep them in rotation. A lot of shelf dates are actually longer than they say on the box and there are ways to research this as well. 

23. "I Would Rather Spend My Time Watching American Idol" *We still find enough time for the fun things like that and do our prepping. 

24. "All The People Who Freaked Out About Y2K Look Really Foolish Now, Don't They?"  *Again this is about being self reliant and being prepared in most any event.

25. "I Don't Want To Look Like Those Idiots On 'Doomsday Preppers'" *While yes there are some crazy people on there there are also some quite sane ones who are more down to earth than they are made to appear on the show (You have to keep in mind while watching that they are all about ratings and will play up some things that may only be small aspects of these peoples lives) and I am finding myself that there are a lot more people prepping than you may realize and more and more are coming forward with it. 

26. "An EMP Attack Could Never Happen" *Never say never ..Also with the sun headed towards its most active phase over the next year or so it is a possibility that even the "experts" are worried about. 

27. "There Will Never Be A Nationwide Transportation Disruption In The United States"  *It is ALWAYS a possibility. Anything from terrorist attack to natural disasters can disrupt it as well as if gas prices continue to rise. Truckers have been having trouble with them just as everyone else has.  

28. "Instead Of Being So Paranoid, I Would Rather Just Enjoy Life"  *Most preppers are not in fact paranoid and are able to relax and enjoy life knowing that in the face of a disaster they would be more prepared. 

29. "If Society Falls Apart I Wouldn't Want To Continue To Live Anyway" *there is always plenty to live for

30. "There Will Never Be Another World War" *we are actually more at risk for this now than ever. Again just paying attention to what is going on around the world will tell you this.

31. "I'm Too Lazy To Grow A Garden" *It takes very little effort to grow most plants and even with my own lack of green thumb I am learning and still manage to harvest some from mine. It is also a healthy past time to pursue and relaxing at the same time. 

32. "If You Assume The Worst Is Going To Happen Then You Don't Believe In America" * Assume the worst and hope for the best but it does not retract from anyone's belief in America.

33. "Deficits Don't Matter"  *Deficits matter very much and have a strong effect on the economy

34. "I'll Always Be Able To Get A Job In My Field" *many people right now are finding that statement untrue. There are so many who are laid off that have been laid off so long that they no longer show up in statistics (causing statistics to falsely show a rise in job growth/economy) No job is completely safe. 

35. "If There Is A Financial Collapse All Of My Debts Will Be Wiped Out So I Might As Well Live It Up Now" *this only gets people in to trouble in the long run

36. "If Things Hit The Fan I Will Just Go Move In With My Relatives Who Have Been Busy Prepping" *You would be lucky if they included extras in their plans but don't be surprised if you are turned away and you should have prepared for yourself rather than putting the strain on others. 

37. "Those That Believe That There Will Be Massive Riots In American Cities Someday Are Just Being Delusional" *there has been plenty of rioting in our large cities in the past. 

38. "My Spouse Would Think That I Have Finally Lost It"  *Thankfully mine is just as into it as I am and in a lot of situations where people have come into this their spouses are starting to work with them on it. There are some things you can do that I would think most could come to an agreement with. Talk with them and see what common ground you might find and you might even find that they may be feeling the same way you are. 

39. "I Don't Know Where To Start" *Just start where you can. Research is always a good thing but the basics work too. Buying an extra bag of beans or rice or some other long term food when you buy your regular groceries never hurts. Water can be stored in empty pop bottles that have been swished clean with some bleach water. Start a small garden....just take on one thing at a time. 

40. "I'll Just Deal With Problems As They Arrive" *and by then it is likely too late. I speak from experience on this one. 

41. "I Don't Have To Prepare For A Natural Disaster - That Is What FEMA Is For" *also speaking from experience...FEMA is not actually very helpful and they take a long time to go through all the paperwork and all.  

42. "We'll Never See Martial Law In The United States"  *It is looking more and more likely and I have experienced it on a small is pretty freaky to go through and scary. You step foot outside your house at night because you have no power and your house is too hot and get swarmed by cops wanting to know what you are doing and why you are out there...not fun. You can not come and go as you please. 

43. "I Don't Want To Scare My Children" *Then don't. You can teach them self sustainability without scaring them. teaching them to garden and such is something that used to be very common and people used to be much more reliant. It isn't a bad thing to learn. 

44. "Once I Get Rid Of All My Debt Then I Will Start Thinking About Prepping"  *again too late. You can do both at the same time. I am almost rid of mine (meaning mortgage on my house almost paid off and student loan and that will be it other than basic utilities) Plus it can actually save you money that you can put towards paying off your debt and help keep you from creating more. 

45. "My Relatives Already Think That I Am A Nut Job - I Don't Need To Make It Any Worse" *first of all there are plenty of people who prep without others ever knowing at all...and if your relatives think you are a nut job would their opinion really matter on this? 

46. "If People At Work Find Out That I Am Prepping It Could Hurt My Career" *again most preppers are able to do so easily without anyone even knowing. You wouldn't think it odd if someone did some gardening or such would you? And I would bet many of your coworkers actually do prep themselves. As I said I am finding out there are more and more people openly doing this that I never would have suspected. 

47. "If There Really Was A Good Reason To Prepare They Would Tell Us About It On The News" * Red cross and such always suggest you prep some and most news sources would not want to create a panic as well as ....most news sources (or at least the local ones here) always suggest people be prepared. Maybe it is because I live in a state that experience's quite a variety of disaster scenarios but in any case they do suggest it. 

48. "People Have Been Predicting Doom And Gloom For Years And It Hasn't Happened Yet"  *We are reaching a tipping point and things are changing at such a rate they are becoming unignorable even to those who do their best to ignore them. 

49. "The United States Is The Greatest Nation On Earth - There Is No Way That It Could Collapse"

50. "I Don't Plan On Becoming A Card Carrying Member Of The Tin Foil Hat Brigade" 
This article first appeared here at the American Dream.  Michael Snyder is a writer, speaker and activist who writes and edits his own blogs The American Dream and Economic Collapse Blog. Follow him on Twitter here.

Graduation Night and PTSD

Last night was a big night all the way around. First off my oldest and her fiance graduated and a big congrats to them. It dawned on me though that I was having a PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder) Moment. I think the only person I explained this to yesterday was my hubby so he was the only one who really knew what I was going through and I didn't want it to dampen their big day. So I just kept busy and focused on making it. Now here I will say what happened that was such a big deal to me just because I feel it needs to be said. This is something I would normally reserve for my blog that I keep for healing matters but I want to say this seemed to fit here as well. I am an agoraphobic but at this point I've made a lot of recovery that I hope to keep making. At one point I was unable to leave my yard almost it got so bad. This was all due to PTSD. It was only after I began to understand my triggers for my panic attacks (and I have so many!!!) and to work through the trauma I'd been through did I begin to make process that and have someone around who was a positive influence that helped me find my own strength again. Anyway what was going through my head that I didn't say anything about was the last time I stepped foot in the place where my oldest graduated my oldest herself was there. I was in a bad relationship with my ex and he was cheating horribly with someone he was supposed to see as a sister as well....(and could not understand why this made this doubly wrong) He had taken my oldest who had her 2nd birthday around the same time and I had no clue where he was keeping her. I was young and inexperienced and if I'd have known then what I know now this would not have gone down as it did. I also had my 2nd oldest who was about 6 months at the time and had spent time in NICU and we nearly lost her. I was in a deep depression and I think my kids were the only thing keeping me going. (Was really wishing I'd taken a different fork in the road at the time that probably wouldn't have worked out but wish I'd have taken the chance to find out I've spent my whole life wishing but you can't change your past you can only look to the future) but in any case I had quit the year that I got married and had my oldest because I was very ill with strep...I know now the reason I was so ill had to do with my lupus and that your body will start to basically work with the illness to attack....anyways getting off track. I had all ready gone through a lot and on the night that was supposed to be something to be happy about I had to go pick my ex up (then was still married to him) along with my oldest who had just turned 2 at his mistress/my adoptive sister in law's house. (She and I much later became friends in an odd twist to all of this) I had to wait in the living room while they were in another room and he got dressed. I made it through my graduation and then sometime after that he went into the army and out of naivety I stayed with him I guess thinking things would change or that I should for the kids. (Plus felt I was broken by then) In any case so for me what should have been a highlight and happy moment in my life was not and became a dark memory and another PTSD moment. I will say though that last night changed that for me. I put on my war paint (aka makeup LOL) re-pierced my ears and focused on the kids and the progress I've made so far. :) We went and wound up sitting up in the very top balcony in the far back but I will still happy and I still could see them both as they crossed the stage one right after the other and was and AM so very proud of them. I am also so very happy that my oldest has someone so wonderful in her life. I'm glad we have him in ours as well. :) He's pretty awesome!!! and I wish them happiness forever. After the ceremony we left a few minutes early to escape the crowds and took some pics and then hubby made a passing comment about going to walmart. Something that is pretty mundane to most people but it had been over 10 years since I've been there. (Since before they moved and became a 24 hour one) I used to work there and really enjoyed it and we visited the dollar tree another mundane thing but it has moved since I worked there as well.... I think seeing how things have changed etc actually helped. (I had trouble with the mall because after my ex tried to strangle me to death/bite my jugular out they happened to put him on work crew right by where I worked very shortly after the whole incident so I was driving to work with a black and blue throat and see stayed with me it made me feel like no matter where I went I was never going to be safe) 
In any case I feel like I am healing more and more. The emotional and mental scars run so much deeper than any physical and are so much harder to heal from. It angers me when they over shadow joyous moments in my life but I am hoping to continue de-clawing them.  
Also my hubby had given me what basically resembles a dragon talon or cats claw made of glass a while back and I don't think he realized what it symbolizes for me but I considered it as symbolizing my inner strength. When I'd feel lost or afraid it may sound silly but I'd look at it to remind myself who I am and where I've been and how far I've come. Last night we happened across some owls who have had special meaning for me more so as of late and I was really stuck on this one. So we got it and I have a new necklace :) 
I am a much stronger person now than I used to be. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Awareness, Economy, and other news

 Helicopter we saw flying over the local grocery store. Had a lot of low flying ones around lately and they are LOUD

 baby mockingbird that my hubby found lifeless and floating in the water. Honestly thought this little guy was a goner but stuck him under a heat lamp and he was doing fine after that. Turned him loose and he was able to fly away. I've done a lot of animal rescues off and on through the years and really enjoy it to see them able to return to the wild and do great :) 

First off a couple of things 1. I can be followed on facebook at (my public profile where I share my art and such)  and 2. This is Lupus Awareness Month as well as arthritis (Rheumatoid) awareness month. I missed Sjogren's awareness month last month but as I have all 3 of these immuno diseases I want to share that and raise awareness on the subject. Read more on it at Lupus Foundation of America and Rheumatoid arthritis I have found out that this runs on my Mother's side of the family and am learning to live with it (and not just survive though I am a survivor by all means) While a lot of people with these have to take a lot of different medications I am very lucky right now to only be taking one as my dr. was one who wanted to treat the symptoms as they came (this also helps because with lupus you constantly develop new allergies and problems and medications can prove sister had an allergic reaction to one of the most commonly given medications Prednisone and cannot take it and they were also fearful that I might do the same) I do take medications for pain when I have to but have found that staying mobile with low impact exercise does help (belly dance is great but been unable to do it lately) and taking it easy when you need to. It is mainly on my mind right now because I am having a flare up lately and I hurt a lot. It is hard for me to slow down when I am going through this but I sorta have to. Anyway with that out of the way...
I am still paying attention to the news as always just not as closely as normal (for me anyway I am a news addict so my normal is like a rabid need for the news LOL) Paying attention to the problems in Greece and Spain (the fall of the Euro and from what I am hearing the beginning of a domino effect. Greek crisis Euro zone gas prices locally seem to be falling a small bit which helps. Where a couple of my friends are in another state (temporarily) they are still up at almost $5.00 Still something to keep an eye on.
I have recently taken up being a volunteer somewhat and collect and report rain amounts. I do other reporting too like this but am unable to talk about that in any detail as it is confidential. (Kind of like secret shopper in a way but yet not LOL)  I enjoy doing things like that when I can. It may not be much but I feel like I am doing something in a way. 
I really hope also to find a way to organize my days so that I can actually get some more art done. O.o I have several started but unfinished pieces going mostly digital. 

End of School

 cloud that looked like a bird over our house  Things have been busy around our house this last week or so. We are on the search for fencing for our yard when we get time. We are now a house hold of 3 adults and 3 kids instead of 4 kids and two adults. Nothing feels odder than when your oldest turns 18 and graduates. My second oldest turns 17 this year so not much longer with her and my youngest turns 3 next month. (means my angel baby would have been 5 this year)  My son became a teenager this year as well  O.O Time sure does fly by!!! So anyway my mother is having cataract surgery which involves over half a dozen appointments but means that she will not have to wear glasses except to read after this which is pretty awesome. I'm having a bit of trouble with my Lupus as of late. Hurting a lot. Even my arms are hurting right now. Trying to not let it bring me down too much. Hoping this summer stays somewhat relaxed though I swear I feel like we are on overdrive all the time. 
I am hoping they have the local Barbeque this year like they did last year so that my youngest might get to ride a pony again. Maybe go to the lake or something I dunno yet. I am also hoping that in about 3 years we can look at moving to the country. That is a dream/goal of mine now. 
Thought I'd check in as I've been too busy to do the usual blogging.

On a side note we now know what all the police activity was about and interestingly enough we strongly believe it was to do with someone we do actually know that has popped up. That is about as much as I can say on here about that. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A funny for today

A funny for today as I needed this. Found on Facebook and I've read it before but it still cracks me up...
Here's one for the ladies : 

WAX is NOT your friend 
CAUTION: Be prepared to laugh out loud... I laughed till I almost cried as I could just see this happening! (And I feel it too!) 

All hair removal methods have tricked women with their promises of easy, painless removal- The epilady, scissors, razors, Nair, and now... The wax. 

My night began as any other normal weeknight. Come home, fix dinner, play with the kids. I then had the thought that would ring painfully in my mind for the next few hours: "Maybe I should pull the waxing kit out of the medicine cabinet." So I headed to the site of my demise: the bathroom. 

It was one of those "cold wax" kits. No melting a clump of hot wax, you just rub the strips together in your hand, they get warm and you peel them apart and press them to your leg (or wherever else) and you pull the hair right off. 

No muss, no fuss. How hard can it be? I mean, I'm not a genius, but I am mechanically inclined enough to figure this out. 

(Y A THINK!?!) 

So I pull one of the thin strips out. Its two strips facing each other stuck together. Instead of rubbing them together, my genius kicks in so I get out the hair dryer and heat it to 1000 degrees. (Cold wax, "yeah... Right!") 

I lay the strip across my thigh. Hold the skin around it tight and pull. 

It works! 

Ok, so it wasn't the best feeling, but it wasn't too bad. 

I can do this! 

Hair removal no longer eludes me! I am She-rah, fighter of all wayward body hair and maker of smooth skin extraordinaire. 

With me next wax strip I move north. After checking on the kids, I sneak back into the bathroom, for the ultimate hair fighting championship. 

I drop my panties and place one foot on the toilet. Using the same procedure, I apply the one strip across the right side of my bikini line, covering the right half of my vagina and stretching down to t he inside of my butt cheek. 

(Yes, it was a long strip) 
I inhale deeply and brace myself... RRRRIIIPPP! 

I'm blind! Blinded from pain!... OH MY GOD! 

Vision returning, I notice that I've only managed to pull off half the strip. CRAP!

Another deep breathe and RRIIPP! 

Everything is swirly and spotted. 

I think I may pass out... Must stay conscious... 

Do I hear crashing drums? 

Breathe, breathe... 

OK, back to normal. 

I want to see my trophy- a wax covered strip, the one that has caused me so much pain, with my hairy pelt sticking to it. 

I want to revel in the glory that is my triumph over body hair. I hold up the strip! There's no hair on it. 

Where is the hair? WHERE IS THE WAX? 

Slowly I ease my head down, foot still perched on the toilet. 

I see the hair. The hair that should be on the strip. 

I touch. I am touching wax. 


I run my fingers over the most sensitive part of my body, wh ich I s now covered in cold wax and matted hair. 

Then I make the next BIG mistake... Remember my foot is still propped up on the toilet? 

I know I need to do something. So I put my foot down. 


I hear the slamming of a cell door. 

Cooter? Sealed shut! 

Ass? Sealed shut! 

I penguin walk around the bathroom trying to figure out what to do and think to myself "Please don't let me get the urge to shit. My head may pop off!" 

What can I do to melt the wax? Hot water! Hot water melts wax! 

I'll run the hottest water I can stand into the bathtub, get in, immerse the wax-covered bits and the wax should melt and I can gently wipe it off, right? 


I get in the tub- the water is slightly hotter than that used to torture prisoners of war or sterilize surgical equipment- I sit. 

Now, the only th ing worse than having your nether regions glued together is having them glued together a n d then glued to the bottom of the tub.. In scalding hot water. Which, by the way, doesn't melt cold wax. 

So, now I'm stuck to the bottom of the tub as though I had cement-epoxied myself to the porcelain! 

God bless the man who had convinced me a few moths ago to have a phone put in the bathroom! 

I call my friend, thinking surely she has waxed before and has some secret of how to get me undone. It's a very good conversation starter- "So, my ass and hoo-ha are glued together to the bottom of the tub!" 

There is a slight pause. She doesn't know any secret tricks for removal but she does try to hide her laughter from me. She wants to know exactly where the wax is located, "Are we talking cheeks or hoo-ha?" 

She's laughing out loud by now... I can hear her. I give her the rundown and she suggests I call the number on the side of the box. YE AH! RIGHT! ! I should be the joke of someone else's night. 

While we go through various sol ut ions. I resort to scraping the wax off with a razor. Nothing feels better then to have your girlie goodies covered in hot wax, glued shut, stuck to the tub in super hot water and then dry-shaving the sticky wax off! 

By now the brain is not working, dignity has taken a major hike and I'm pretty sure I'm going to need Post-Traumatic Stress counseling for this event. 

My friend is still talking with me when I finally see my saving grace... The lotion the give you to remove the excess wax. What do I really have to lose at this point? 

I rub some on and OH MY GOD! I'M ON FIIIRRRE! 

The scream probably woke the kids and scared the shit out of my friend. 

It's so painful, but I really don't care. 

"IT WORKS! It works!" 

I get a hearty congratulations from my friend and she hangs up. 

I successfully remove the remainder of the wax and then notice t o my grief and despair... THE HAIR IS STILL THERE... ALL OF IT! 

So I recklessly shave it off. Heck, I'm numb by now. Nothing hurts. I could have amputated my own leg at this point. 

Whew! I think I'll wait til next week before attempting hair color...

Monday, May 7, 2012

Resting today

 glass lizard we found while redoing chicken run

It was good sized and I was told they thought they saw another out there 

Interesting clouds from front blowing in

Well over the weekend we got the coop redone and run moved over and redone. I am so very sun burnt and tired especially from having to convince the kids to help at the very least watch their little sister so I could work and they kept passing her off on each other. Poor kid. The run was moved over to the other side and actually looks a lot nice and has a better design (Ran chicken wire along the bottom so they couldn't dig all the grass up ) and has a trap door where we don't have to go in to open it. Just pull a cord. Then the inside we shrank it up  enough to put in a storage area on one side (to make sure we fit within regulations on distance as far as how close it was to the neighboring yard) I decided to make a half wall with chicken wire at top so we could look in from the open storage area which keeps it vented as well as sheltered. Fixed their feed trough (a refurbished rain gutter) to the wall and threw in some fresh shavings. Will take pics later today. They seem pretty happy though confused with all the changes. Found a small dog igloo for my oldest girl's A frame guinea pig hut for shelter for them (we are keeping that when she moves and using it for something else and getting her a new cage) It was 3 bucks at a yard sale. Also found a desk for my son for $5.00 that is really nice old style for his homeschooling (he asked for a desk) We have to go sign the papers this week. We were going to last week but too much going on. We moved the rain barrel over (fun to do while it is full....lost some water but not too much) my garden is doing good still. Have spent all week calling the city about their ordinance on fencing and can NOT get anyone to tell me anything. Fixing to go off what I think it is and put it up anyway or see if there is someplace else I can find out about ordinances. Getting annoyed with that part of it. Going to mow soon and do some more clean up etc. It is all ready getting pretty hot. The last two days that I've been working outside it has been in the 90s. Not ready for that and they've been saying it looks like this summer has the potential to look like last years. Today has been cooler....of course since I am not working outside LOL We do have errands to run though. We also found a glass lizard which was pretty good sized. We caught a couple of small mice that were hiding under the boards and where the chickens ate all the grass off the ground in the old run we turned the soil up and gathered earth worms to possibly try to make a worm bucket out of and are making that area a flower garden. 

Friday, May 4, 2012

Up too early

  Yet again my youngest is up before the buttcrack of dawn.

Shipping container on craigslist < I so want one of these. People have been buying them for bunkers, storm shelters, root cellars and sometimes they bury them and sometimes they don't. They are sturdy and usually fairly inexpensive and can be modified to be just about anything. I'd want to bury it. Still planning on likely moving here in about 3 years to the country (at least this is my dream/goal) so don't need one where I am now but hey. 
I will write a normal longer blog later but today looks to be busy and I am going to see if hubby will let me nap for about an hour so I can keep up. Got to go get the cat from the vet here in awhile and take the other one in for his shots and then later have lots of errands and general getting stuff done to do. On a side note yesterday while cleaning outside saw like 4 or 5 cops at a neighbors house and some lady getting arrested. Apparently there was a gun involved. O.o 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Well no more roo for now

Well my SIL came and got the rooster (am very grateful for that because that is a huge help with all this <3 he is so awesome) Unfortunately my youngest was VERY upset. Much more so than I expected even when I went to show her the other chickens are still there and all. She was very broken hearted and cried and cried. Kinda mad a momma for a moment but she seems okay for now but hubby decided he would take the cat in himself to the vet so she didn't have to see that. Even though he will be coming home the next day and all. Hopefully that will all go well. Now our next project is to move the coop around so we did actually get two things done. Been trying to contact the ordinance guy to find out about fencing and what the rules are with that before we try to put it up (still have to pick it up too) but so long as we continue to push along and get things done. 
Hubby picked up a couple pair of headphones today. A wireless pair which were for him but apparently he has to fight with them in his computer but hopefully he can use them and a pink pair for me (to go with my hair) which the kids are having a fit over. 
The kids are having a hard time understanding what all is going on and aren't cutting us any break. 


This has been an insane week or two. One morning when I was asleep (Hubby and I take turns. I take first shift sleeping then him because we always stay up too late and then our little one gets up too early) anyway we had a couple of police come to our door asking him if he'd seen someone wearing all brown clothes with a backpack. He told them no because he hadn't and they began to question him wanting to know who all was in the home and wanting all his information etc. When they left he woke me and told me what had happened so I turned on the scanner to see what was going on and heard the same two cops carrying on a conversation via radio about us. They were talking about how suspicious it was that we had an alarm on our front door ($20.00 alarm you can get at great but not all that big of a deal) anyways because our house does not appear like one that should have an alarm. Okay because apparently if you have an old house and all you aren't supposed to have things that matter to you or don't care if you are broken in to I guess??? That among many other reasons to have one. I mean our neighbors house was broken in to as well... Anyway then I proceed to listen to them going on about doing everything they can to find a warrant on us (there isn't one we don't do anything) they spent forever on this topic and were very frustrated that they couldn't find anything on us. Then I had also called in and asked if there was anything we should watch out for regarding this person wearing brown even though at this point I figured that was a load of crap. They didn't give any information on any of it and basically blew me off. Not long after all of this I get a phone call that someone had blocked the number (private call) and just sat and listened for a long time when I answered. You could hear people talking in the background. I hung up on them after a few. Well then a couple nights later we were trying to watch a movie and it was of course late (night owls) and we start getting lights shining in the window bright enough to be unignorable so we get up and look and realize it is a cop car spot lighting. They spent a good hour doing this before we decided to call in and ask what was going on (they wound up waking our youngest) They had been going around and around the block doing this and there were 2 or 3 cop cars involved. I was told that they thought there was some guy walking that needed help...(story did not fit for me) and that they had heard a dog barking down the road from me and were going to check it out but everything was over with..... They spent about another hour spot lighting til we gave up and went to bed...again their story sounded like a load of crap. Then we had city workers coming up and driving by the house really slow when my son and I were out doing yard work. Then a day or so later after I'd been saying for that length of time that they were going to do something we left the house for about an hour or a little longer and come home to find a notice on the front glass (waited til we were gone I felt like) that was saying we couldn't have chickens (I knew that was wrong and I will get into that in a minute) and that we had lean to shelters on our property. I was LIVID so I called and got an answering machine and it sounded like someone had picked up halfway through the message and disrupted it but didn't say anything. I went and told hubby we needed to go in before they left city hall for the day and we went down there and it was locked and we went outside just as they were pulling out from by the police dept (behind the building) so we caught up to them and asked about it and they wouldn't tell us anything til the next morning when they came by. Though I did manage to get in that it was my understanding that we can have chickens they just have to be such and so many feet away from other residences. When they did they told us I was right but we do have to move our coop and we offered to get rid of our rooster so that we knew he wouldn't bother anyone..that part has upset our neighbors. They all like hearing him surprisingly and the one especially wants us to see about getting a smaller rooster that might be quieter. (Like a bantam). They informed us that the lean tos they were talking about were our sheds that have been there since anyone can remember (Long before we even bought the place) So those are okay. We do have to clean up some (I.E. organize our wood pile) and clean up our carport was in a mess because we've been moving stuff around (and actually was not viewable from the road unless a vehicle was moved) and we have to put a fence up around our pool or take it down so hubby is picking up some fencing to put around it. I'd actually been waiting on this. I'm not sure what else they will try and pull but thankfully the guy is willing to work with us as long as we do everything we are supposed to which of course we will. We were told it was one person behind us who called (Who lives farther away than the neighbor that told us she loves hearing the rooster and doesn't really even hear him that often and that these people are never home....that is because they drive around and around our frikking block over and over and through the alleyway. They seem to have it out for us and we don't even know them that I am aware of. Been doing this for awhile) anyway then they said it was also two city council members leading me to wonder if this is related to the Thompson (city manager) deal. I had apparently gotten his attention with my newspaper blogs at one point in time and he was actually using city workers to try to find out who I was. (I was told this by some of the employees themselves it was a crazy ordeal but I am used to those by now) Mainly because 1. Why would TWO of them call in when only one of them is over my area? and 2. neither of them live close to my house and 3. Even if a neighbor had called them to complain that goes back to the 1st point....only one of them would have been needed to deal with it and 4. Why would they complain that I HAVE chickens when they themselves changed the ordinance only a couple of years ago? Makes no damned sense. 

"It is only paranoia if they aren't really out to get you" In any case so now we are doing what all we need to do and I am resisting the urge to spray paint a big mural with "fuck you" on the side of my house. Wouldn't accomplish anything. ;) We are also dealing with plenty of others things such as my FIL's health and my Mom's appts and then money issues, repairs, and my oldest daughter is graduating and not sure if she is moving out yet or getting a job or going to school or what and is going to be getting married. Plenty of normal life stuff to worry about. Ignoring my own health issues atm because we just don't have the time or vehicle to take care of them. I am getting my cat fixed tomorrow so have to keep him in tonight and have to try to get him to keep a collar on soon. I'm sure he will love me for that. 

I have thoughts and such that I can't even really blog about as well. :/ No time to think really and my head hurts all the time. Such is life. Things keep me awake at night because they stir around in the back of my mind at at night when it is finally quiet and I am laying there they slip to the front and hit me all at once. Then the dreams I have are so vivid and I am left the next day feeling tired.