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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hello dear blog

Did you miss me? Well I haven't forgotten you just been busy as usual. We went and bought our plants that I'd been wanting. Got several tomato plants (two different kinds), banana peppers, zuchinni, lemon verbena, spearmint and chocolate mint (which by the way smells exactly like chocolate mint and I had to convince the 16 year old that no she could not eat my mint plant)....anyway and then a blueberry bush that all ready appears to be putting on some blue berries. If this does well I plan on getting some other bushes and maybe a grape vine. I can hope!!! We are now off water restriction but still using the neighboring city's water so we are going to fill the pool while we can. Going to put it together this weekend I think. Had it part way together and discovered the ground wasn't as level as we first thought so had to start over which sucks. Took care of a flooding problem in the chicken coop via putting down a pallet that had a solid side to it for their food, water, and for them to get up on and then adding shavings to their coop floor. Cleaned it up a bit in there and then opened up one side that looks out into the run so they can have more fresh air.  
Been keeping an eye on the news as usual (news addict that I am) and am watching of course gas prices going up...though we live in a state where they are still under $4.00 though they are getting close to that amount. Where a friend of mine had to travel to it is $4.30 a gallon. Noticing that trucking companies are having a harder time with this and my trucker friends are noticing as well. I don't just pay attention to the news I find it is very important to listen to what the people in that field are saying as well...if they aren't worried I don't worry so much but when they notice problems and they are all certainly noticing problems right now and major ones...I pay attention. I am also paying attention to food prices which are of course going up. Today when we went to a sale at the local grocery store a package of chicken breast (albeit a decent sized one) ON SALE was 12$ on up. This was at a store known for lower prices. They had ham on sale for Easter and the freezer section was wiped out and looked like it was mauled. There were like 3 or 4 packages left and some ripped open. I still do seriously want to invest in bikes and one of those toddler trike things. We can't use them for the appts that are farther away but for local in town trips we could and it would be nice to have something to fall back on (and healthier hoenstly) I am also watching some of these laws they are trying to pass which I will cover at a later time but for now wanted to check in. :)

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