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Monday, April 9, 2012

Civil Unrest?

I am a bit of a news addict I guess and I do keep an eye on those parts of the news that appear more in the back ground. I usually hear about them a bit before they come to light in your local news and such and I do make sure to check multiple sources (I don't rely on just one and I make sure it is a reliable or reputable source) I do have a few sources that I might take a glance at and mostly dismiss as they are strongly biased and will twist the story to what they want it to convey. In any case I'd been hearing about this one a lot in the background and it is now bubbling up to the top as more people are noticing and trying to decide what to make of it. Here is a link to video from RT which gives you a good idea of what is being discussed.  There is a lot of talk about why the US is buying up 450 million rounds of .40 caliber  high performance rounds. Especially in conjunction with other things such as new laws regarding protesting. The theory here is that they are preparing for civil war. I think civil unrest is a better term. I think that when this election in November comes we are in for a lot of change. This country is very divided on their ideals for presidential candidates as is and no matter which party wins ...things are going to get nasty. Put that together with other things going on right now. Such as high gas prices that seem to be continuing to rise. Solutions to that being just as divided such as drilling which some see as an easier fix to new sources of energy that are more renewable because the drilling may be just a band aid and will be more damaging to the earth which is all ready showing significant damage. Then there is severe weather that seems to be  becoming more wide spread and more severe and as a result is doing more damage to crops and livestock whether it be drought, tornado, snow storms, etc. This means that besides gas prices causing commodity prices to rise the weather plays a factor in it and also we are starting to run low. Water is also becoming a worry as clean sources start to become harder to come by and amounts of fresh water decrease. Are we past a tipping point? We may very well be or we ARE right on that tipping point now. 

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