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Saturday, March 24, 2012


 little buggars are out in force as are a lot of insects all ready due to a warm winter and very early almost hot spring. 

Today consisted of laundry more laundry and yet more laundry. Getting it all hung out on the line. Today also involved a sugar ant invasion (those little black ones that bite like a mofo despite their tiny size). I was cleaning out my desk and found that they had apparently been coming through the window screen and had made a nest on the top shelf using a folded piece of paper and had even moved in their eggs. I thought wow and they didn't even have any food or anything but apparently ...they did. In the form of a sucker that was still inside the wrapper but they had found their way inside it and had actually devoured almost the whole thing. I removed everything from the top of the desk and was greeted with what looked like a bad B movie scene. They were everywhere. I took the vacuum and sucked a few up and wiped the rest down with a lysol wipe thing. Hopefully they get the hint. Then I spent like half an hour convincing my oldest daughter that no she could not bring Joe the catfish that she and her fiance caught home and keep it even if it did bark and sounded cute. We didn't have a filter or a tank for a barking catfish named Joe. So for now Joe is residing in a stock tank at fiance's house :) Tomorrow our plans are to muck out and open up the chicken coop a bit. Still not totally dried out since the flooding this last week. Our rain chances seem to be going down in the week to come. Plan on building an outdoor guinea pig friend for my daughters "babies" and have to finish the portable chicken coop which is actually a bit on the heavy side. Would like to get a couple of turkeys or some quail or something but really need to keep that to a minimum right now. My other goal is to make it in to hit up the local green house for some tomato plants and pepper plants :) 

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