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Friday, March 2, 2012

Sign of the times

 This picture I took after the May 10 tornado that knocked one of our 50 foot tall cotton wood trees into a leaning position and it to this day rests against its sister tree which is starting to lose it's grip on the earth. The sign says "A house is built with boards and beams, A home is build with love and dreams" It pretty much says it all. The little plant is an easter egg plant that was one of the only of dozens of different plants we'd planted that year. A sign of hope for us. It went on to produce a few fruit before the drought and heat took it. 

I live and grew up in central Oklahoma. It is known for it's severe weather and tornadoes but up until the May 10 tornado I'd never really experienced one. It seems now looking back to have been a sign of things to come. We were lucky. Our house was still standing. We had no land line phone or electric and we lost our food. It was hot and there was fear that the big cottonwood would fall. There was outside damage our porch lost a support beam and our tin on our carport roof was peeled back like a sardine can. Our van was damage (back glass busted in) but we were all okay and our house itself was okay. I have noticed a lot of times things like this come as a warning. I have learned to pay attention. It was a huge wake up call. Though while tornadoes and severe weather are common for us the extreme weather has been on an increase. I've noticed tornado alley seems to have shifted towards Missouri, Tennessee, Kentucky (where I have family) Etc... They have been bombarded these last couple of days and looks like more may be on the way if I read the news on it right. They were still recovering from last year in some places. News on tornadoes that struck several states  They said there was a threat for later today also and alerts have been put out. I am wondering if Oklahoma is going to see a severe spring or if we are just going to jump right to a hot summer after a non existent winter. Our winter except for a few short cold days and a bit of snow one night...was pretty much like early spring for us. Now our temperatures are heading up into the 70's and close to 80...more indicative of late spring early summer. Things are blooming early also which is beautiful but if you are mindful of the changing weather patterns is something to be leery of. Something my Mom taught me is nothing is ever 100 percent. Still though I've learned even as a very young kid to pay attention to nature and what she is telling you. People don't really do that anymore though it seems they are starting to. Here is another sign of change: Texas drought changing migration patterns in birds I am watching all of that both in the news and at home. I've noticed there are certain birds that are not really common to this area showing up and some that are I am not seeing. Jays are one thing I haven't been seeing for awhile. Gulls are showing up at our local lake which I have seen some around before but never seen them really stick around like that. Pelicans also which normally hang around Oklahoma but not here. I also saw some interesting footage of a pod of about 2000 dolphins appearing to flee the coastline of California. May mean nothing at all but I am watching for news on that as for that large a number seems unusual. Some people are wondering if it is a fore warning of a large earthquake. I usually take several news sources and compare them (and I try to make sure it is the more reliable ones) For us here in Oklahoma there has been a change in the behavior of wildlife as they search for sources of water and food. They are encroaching on the urban areas. Especially skunks and mice. It is eerie when a group of owl show up hooting back and forth we've had that happen a couple of times now. Keep an eye on your local wildlife, plant life, and weather patterns. It can tell you a lot.  

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