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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Little bit of catch up

 Only in Oklahoma

Today is one of those semi-quiet days for me that I actually have a little time to blog. This has been so busy but seriously when are things not for me. :/ We went to court on the city thing and plead not guilty so have to wait til end of November for trial. Curious to see how that all goes. Anxious to get it over with and hopefully move on. That was a totally different experience than I've had before. Very laid back it seemed. We sat there for around 2 and half hours waiting on our turn but there is no bailiff or anything like that. They just call your name and you go stand directly in front of the judge and then when you are done with him you scoot over a little so that you are in front of the court clerk and finish any business there. We paid our bond early....didn't have to pay it til the week before court and if we win the case I think we get all that back. Which would be nice. Especially before the holidays. Anyway so got that out of the way for now. I've got an appt. finally with a gastro dr. I'm a bit nervous about that one but the dr. wanted me to kind of get a head of things since Crohn's runs so heavily in my family and to help keep it from getting half as bad as my Mom's I hope. I will have an appt. with a Rheumatologist to help me with my Lupus and RA and such. Hopefully though will remain as med free as I can. I do NOT want to become dependent on any medications. I don't mind taking them for when I need them but I hate the thought of any daily type thing. :/ Other than my vitamins which I finally found some I can take....Gummy ones for adults LOL :) Only ones that don't seem to bother my stomach. I'd recommend them for anyone else too who has that problem of them causing stomach upset or have a problem with taking those horse pills. I have decided to make myself some fingerless gloves for my arthritis since I prefer mobility and need something in the winter. Gads I hate feeling like a 20 year old in an 80 year old body. Very annoying. I did see some I'd like to buy too. I may get them anyway. I have it really bad in my feet too. :( Anyway I still do what I can to find ways around it. 
I finally bought a pumpkin to paint though haven't had a chance to paint it yet. I thought I'd found an oversized sketch pad but turned out it was newsprint. :/ I used to LOVE to draw on those though. May still try and find one. We replaced pretty much all of our living room furniture except the desk (which I want to keep), The coffee table (it works in here for now) and the entertainment center (want to replace) and then a book shelf. Got a new couch and a couple of chairs and a sewing machine cabinet and long dresser type thing (forget what my husband calls it) but it looks a lot nicer in here. Now I just want to repaint my walls where my youngest colored on them (maybe a darker color) and put down a rug again and get covers for the chairs. Most of this was things my MIL was replacing that she sent our way but it is very appreciated. We also wound up with a small trampoline for my youngest (also for me to use sometimes. I really do want to lose weight :(  ) 
I finally got my Halloween decorations out. I also have a garden spider on my porch that I was teasing about having to put a sign next to her saying this one is real. She laid an egg sack in our spider plant appropriately enough... LOL :) 
I have some posting to do on the recent political debates but I shall do that in another blog....maybe today if I get the time. 

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