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Sunday, October 28, 2012

As time flies

 Mystery snail with beta in background....damn those snails are creepy

Time of course is speeding by as usual. My mom is still having serious health issues. On top of her organs starting to fail and the massive internal infection in her abdomen....after a blood draw the dr. informed her she has to take iron 3x a day. She should have had a transfusion in the hospital but they didn't give her one. She is very weak and still has infection. They are retesting about the 2nd week of November or so to see how it looks then but they are very worried and so am I. 
As for myself I started suffering from excruciating pressure headaches. The dr. was a bit worried with them starting out on one side because I am sort of prone to TIA's (ministrokes) but pretty much everything seemed fine other than it seems they were combination headaches. Stress/sinus/and caffiene withdrawal (which apparently can be pretty vicious in itself) and plus high blood pressure so I was put on medication for them and told to drink some caffeine each day to stave them off and then drink a lot of water (for possible dehydration) and also if they continued to stay really bad through the week call and I would need a brain scan to make sure there is not something more going on. Still having some but medicine is working and I am still suffering from stress but definitely not as bad as they were so hopefully. 
Also I've discovered which I am loving. I had used myfitnesspal in the past and it is pretty good too but there just seems to be a lot more to offer from Sparkpeople and seems more geared to what I need. They have recipes, exercises, etc. So far so good and also to keep my blood sugar with in reason they have plans that can be tailored to your needs and I've done that. I am also trying to get back a bit into belly dance though instead of like last time .....I learned my lesson about trying to jump back in at the level I was at. I am starting off much slower. Here lately I've been a lot more tired too which is annoying. :/ 
I have been watching the presidential debates some and honestly can't figure out what it is that people seem to like about Romney. While I can see they are desperate for change and such he seems like he'd actually just bring us all the way into complete disaster in ways that we've not seen yet. He does more than just constantly flip flop. He lies...CONSTANTLY. You can pretty easily find where he says one thing and then turns and says the complete opposite sometimes in the same day. For those keeping record he's done it in under an hour before. He is snobbish and very full of himself. He also seems a bit war hungry. Maybe it is just me but that is how he comes off.  I am thinking of going third party ...not entirely sure yet but one thing is for sure I will NOT vote for Romney. He and Ryan both seem to not have a clue about women either. For some that may seem a minor issue but as a female ...well it is pretty major to me. They are also just fake. If you haven't seen the story on Ryan faking washing dishes in a soup kitchen look it up. He wasn't even supposed to be in there at all. In any case I am not sure what exactly to expect post election. Which by the way I've also found that there were like 4 or so presidents who won election not by popular vote but by the electoral votes (They voted against popular vote) Interesting. Also I've found if the 3rd party gets enough votes they open up as an option with the electoral votes. 

Anyway. Whomever wins I am really thinking there is going to be a big stink about it because the country is far too divided on this issues with very strong feelings about it on either side. 

Oh something else of note that I just find interesting is that in the last several months there have been an awful lot of white government vehicles around our small town. (SUV type) I started pointing these out to hubby and now he's been noticing as well. The tags are mostly the give away but seeing them mostly parked across from our local small grocery store. (the one that is so small most people just go to the bigger one instead) at a place that used to be a grocery store but is now used to build slot machines for the casinos. ...anyway just one of the weird type of things I notice. 

As far as the situation with my Mom I am struggling to find balance with that and my family. I do not want my Mom left alone for any length of time with her being so weak and sick. She can barely get up to go to the bathroom much less do anything else so I have to hope to find understanding with my family when this affects what we can do. (I.E. I don't like to go far and if I do I want someone close by if she needs help) she doesn't qualify for anyone to stay there full time. It is difficult. 
I am trying to work on my own health as my dr. told me that part of the reasons I've been having so much trouble lately is with a compromised immune system to begin with and a ton of stress and coming off of antibiotics myself I am really just running my body into the ground. I am trying to not overdo the exercise but yet trying to get some in each day. I need to get some of the weight off. I signed up for a 1mile walk which shouldn't be hard as it is something we used to walk all the time and I have a way to map that out on my sparkpeople thing. I have it all ready. On another note I am doing the 30 character challenge which starts Nov. 1st and runs all through November. Something that isn't that demanding but that which challenges myself at the same time. 

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