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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Back to where we were

 Some of the new playground equipment at our local park

Information on bats

I thought this was interesting

 Inside the hippo

What a hippo has inside it 

Every time I think we are to where things might settle down (Though I will admit I'm not feeling like things were settled anyway) something else happens. Things always seem to happen all at once when they happen. This time around it was my Mom going back to the hospital by ambulance. She was saying she didn't feel right and was having stomach issues and felt dizzy and so I went to call her nurses and before I could even do that my oldest came running over to tell me she'd fallen. I called 911 instead and ran over to find her laying face down on the floor in the hallway. She could speak but couldn't seem to move and after the paramedics showed up when they tried to turn her over she started seizing so they had to rush her out. Turned out she had a massive infection through out her entire large intestine and stomach. She has Crohn's which is something I am to be tested for which during this whole thing I had to cancel my appt. with the gastro ironically. I've been suffering what appears to be the worst tension headache I've ever had. I almost went to the ER myself over it. It felt like my head was going to explode and mainly remained on the left side of my head and since I seem to be prone to TIA's (mini strokes) I was getting worried. It seems to have eased up today. Anyway I made it to see her while she was in the ER Thanks to my MIL who watched the kids for us for a bit. During the stay in the hospital which wound up lasting about a week it seems (not quite but still) her oxygen levels remained low til today, her vitals were very low. Blood pressure couldn't register on the machine. They put her on antibiotics and were beginning to worry that they weren't working. Finally they sent her home and they had her vitals and all up but still have her on antibiotics because there is still infection and want her to have a scope done to attempt to find the source. I personally worry that they sent her home too early. She's been in intense pain all week. During all of this my oldest ran into some friends of hers and then decided to move in with one of them so to prevent too much activity and more going on in the house than need be she came and got all her belongings before my Mom got home which really she was just finishing up as my Mom got in. (We'd tried to help by removing it all from my Mom's house so my oldest could pick everything up without disturbing her) So all of that went well and I hope everything works out for everyone all the way around. My husband took the younger 3 kids to the park today (I say younger 2 of them are teens) where they've installed new playground equipment and I am really impressed with the equipment they chose. Like a hippo that shows all the internal organs of a hippo inside...(Will post pics if I can) educational things. My youngest is so obsessed with it now that she kept the newspaper article about the new equipment so she can see the pictures LOL :) She cracked me up with that. (This is my 3 year old that did this) I stayed with my Mom because honestly I'm afraid to leave her alone right now. Also they'd given her heparin to prevent clots even though she is a free bleeder so immediately as soon as she got home she had a raging nose bleed. So anyway we are back to square one of my oldest having moved out (Not a bad thing really just hoping this time it goes better for her) My Mom being sick and needing the 24/7 care again which falls on us because she doesn't qualify for the care she needs, back to me having health issues from a combination of stress and my lupus....One of these days if things ever slow down I won't know what to do with myself ....though I'm sure I will find something ;)

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