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Monday, June 30, 2014

Rough times

As always we'll get through of course but I hate when several things pounce on us at once. Seems like it is that way for everyone here lately pretty much. For us it just kept rolling in like waves in a rising tide. My mom is experiencing some health issues that I won't go into too much other than to say she had to go to a hospital for a bit and not one close by where I could go see her like I normally would. This place turned out to be the most unprofessional I have EVER experienced. The case manager could not seem to tell me anything with out either lying completely or changing direction on things quickly so that I couldn't even keep track. Saying she had med changes...she did not. Nothing had changed. Saying she would deliver some news to her for me (she had other news waiting that was going to be rough but I didn't want her to be hit with all of it at one time) and she said she'd deliver this news to prepare her so she wouldn't be sent into shock upon returning home and of course she didn't relay it I finally called and complained and someone else there delivered it but not til she was headed out the door. They make sure patients don't get their calls and something always comes up to keep them from calling out. The nurses were nice but it seems upper management sucked serious arse. Her side of it was rather unpleasant as well. Such a confusing and horrible situation. She is finally home now. Unfortunately there is still news to deliver and that is going to be hard to do but it will have to be done but I am giving her some time at home before I let her know. We lost my aunt recently and rather suddenly to a bacterial infection. Completely unexpected and she was the last of my mom's siblings. Thankfully my kids all got to meet her when she came down a year or so ago. My mom got to go visit her in Arizona where she is from as well. Her husband had passed not too long ago (a couple of years) and my Uncle. (the other one had passed a long while back) so there has been a lot of loss all around w/ the family. On my dad's side too. I found out I lost another aunt back in May on his side. Anyway too much. There are a lot of changes expected to come our way soon and as always must roll with the tide as much as possible to keep from being swept out to sea. (yeah I'm feeling symbolic right now so bear with me) anyway. 
We went to an early 4th of July show in Shawnee this last weekend. Hadn't been to one in a while. The fireworks display lasted about 20 minutes and was great. I'd not seen one that long. My son found a fave teacher of his and her husband so he went and hung out with them for awhile with the police vehicle thing visiting. My youngest decided she liked the inflatable slide and spent a lot of time on it and tried riding the mechanical bull even and did really good with that. She found lots of friends to play with while we were waiting on the fireworks to start. 
I've been doing the classes at the local library and really enjoying them. My husband goes and our youngest actually prefers doing some of the adult activities with him helping her to doing the childrens ones. She doesn't like the big crowd I don't think even if we sit at the back. (though I enjoyed them so far the musical one was cool) I found a lady and her family at the ones I go to that so far I hope I keep running in to them. They are hilarious and I enjoy being around them. :) So far we've done paintings, made dyed scarves, and done glass etching. That led to me getting a glass etching kit to try at home.  So far everything has turned out really well. (the youngest of course did not participate in the glass etching) 
 barn my youngest painted together with hubby. I think she caught on to all the talk in the room that we live in Oklahoma therefore we needed tornadoes in our pictures LOL We were all kind of giggling a bit over this. She made hubby help her paint the animals and flowers in. 

 My barn. I was surprised when they said that was the subject matter as my mom has been wanting me to paint a barn for her for FOREVER so I gave this to her when completed. I need to do another painting to enter in the county fair. My son needs to get busy on his entry too I think. The pond at the bottom and fence were just random ideas. No one's was the same. I love seeing how everyone's turns out. 

 Hard to see but my glass etched birds. I need to take new pics with some black paper inside to help show the birds better. 

Abby's side of the scarf she and hubby worked on

 his side of the scarf

 My scarf. You use sharpies and spray it down with alcohol. 

 Came out water color looking

I'd like to go to more classes maybe the knitting one and crochet. My son said he might do those with me. I have been continuing with my walking though not keeping record like I was. Using handweights and it took a half an inch off my arms and all so far. Haven't been using those for long. Right now I am so exhausted I think I'd fall asleep immediately if I tried to lay down. 

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