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Friday, June 20, 2014

Muggy weather

I am so not a fan of the heat but to be honest I am still over this last winter. Nothing a good tall glass with lots of ice in it can't handle just yet. Trying to get out and do more walking and so far we haven't missed a day that I can think of. Even if it is just a short walk and I know I am really enjoying them. My son usually takes his bike along and my youngest her scooter (though she tends to hand that to the hubby to be carried) I recently had a bit of a scare in which my rheumatologist had ordered some blood work because my previous blood work had showed my liver enzymes were too high. They were at first reassuring me it is okay don't worry too much because we always order these when they show high etc. Well then it came time for me to go get the test. I took it to our local hospital and at first went over to the clinic where they said my insurance may or may not cover it. If not covered it would cost me nearly $500 which I don't have but they wouldn't know til they took it and sent it in though the billing person tried to tell me they would bill me up front if it didn't cover it ....though they wouldn't know til they sent it in. so confusing. Anyway so they told me to take it and try over at the actual hospital so I did after leaving a message with the Rheumy. I go in and there they give me about 100$ cheaper estimate but they said they'd have to contact my Rheumy and try to get a different code to put it under that it should be covered if the correct code is used so I left it with them and went home to wait. I get home and had a call from the Rheumy saying whatever you do you have to have this test done it is extremely important that you do this etc. So anyway there were some communication problems but I finally got the test done. Then I had to wait another week. Then it became a problem of I couldn't get the results from the lab w/out going in and I was swamped and couldn't go and they were faxing it to the Rheumy but the Rheumy wasn't getting it...only to find out later they WERE it was just placed in the wrong person's file and the faxes sent after that were thrown away. I was like WTH? Here I am over here panicking and this is going on? Anyway so I finally got to hear my results yesterday and I am negative for any Hepatitis which was what their concern was. I was super nervous after finding out what that would have meant for me. With that going on my Mom is having some health issues that I won't go into detail about only to say she is currently being observed by a dr and I am waiting to see what the future holds with that. I am right now not sure but either way it will affect us what the results turn out to be so that is something that is weighing heavily on me. It has been a stressful time. I've been so busy that I haven't been on nearly so much and I've been trying to squeeze in some down time. Today was a mostly down time kind of day but I've still found it hard to sit still because I've gotten used to the constant going and constant doing. Thankfully my meloxicam is helping a wee bit with regular motion so I can do some of the things I need to do around here but there is something badly wrong with my foot that I am probably going to have to go back in about. It is likely my bone spur acting up again (sometimes I really feel like that elderly lady that gripes about her health a lot.....mostly I am more annoyed that I have so much going on and it slows me down) If so this may require surgery but I don't know yet anyway. They told me last time I have no arches in my feet and I would likely be coming back in...well here i am. I am still doing my knitting and am almost finished with a large shawl that I've been working on for awhile. May try to make some flowers and such to put on the back of it. On another note I took a painting class at the library (hey even experienced artists can benefit from this) and found it to be very enjoyable and learned a few things.  This is my completed painting. 

This one is what my youngest did with Daddy in the same class: 
 They were having a wee bit of fun there as you can tell LOL The librarians were getting a kick out of it. There were a lot of people saying it was Oklahoma so they needed tornadoes and such in their paintings LOL :D I am planning on trying to go to another couple of classes or so for different things. 

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