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Friday, May 30, 2014

Checking in

I like finding little things in nature like this heart shape in a rock that one of the kids found. Anyway figured I hadn't checked in a few and wanted to do a quick update. My daughter had her little girl who is about 2 1/2 weeks old now. Weighing in at 7 1/2 lbs and 19 1/2 inches long.  Momma and baby both are doing great. My other daughter lives out of state now so is a bit disappointed about not getting to see her niece I think but we try to keep pictures going that way for her. (Facebook is a great thing for that) Our other family member finally has gotten to leave the hospital so gets to recover at home now. Yay! I am finally seeing a rheumatologist but am still trying to get a hold of them to find out about my blood work they took (I mean they took like 6-7 frikking vials) So we'll see what comes of that. I did get to go to the museum in Norman while we were there. I haven't done any trips like that in ages. Normally my anxiety levels get the best of me but I did okay. Took the camera which has become a source of calming for me in a way. So long as I have fresh batteries and a clean memory card to fill. 

Of course there are lots of other pics. The black armband is from having the blood draw. Which I just got the call to let me know I am in remission which is great news. (yes RA and Lupus both or either can do that though there is no indication of how long I might be in remission)  We are wondering if the reason for the remission is due to the fact that I've had to be on antibiotics and steroids for nearly 3 months now consistently if not longer. I just had a pleurisy attack in the last month which can get kind of nasty. (mainly just horribly painful to move or breathe) but they did find that one on X-ray. Though my liver enzymes are off a bit they said so I have to have more blood work for that. Hopefully that won't be anything. We are trying to make sure and have the kids at all the library functions this summer. They enjoy going and they usually have some pretty interesting things going on. We went to the kick off program and saw the disc dogs and all and it was actually pretty awesome despite it being probably close to 100 degrees out. I sunburned which sometimes it is hard to tell at first because neither me or my youngest tolerate temp changes or extremes well and so we were both bright red. I am hoping that later this summer I can muster myself into making a zoo trip or something big like that. We'll see. If so it will be a big thing for me. The kids usually get to go with their schools or something. We are trying to get back into the groove of taking our nightly walks again and I am trying to do my belly dancing more often again. It is still a good low impact exercise that seems to actually help my joints some plus it is fun. I need to really pick something to do for the county fair as I haven't even started on that yet things have been too hectic. I have some stuff on the back shelf idea wise for my knitting to learn too. Some things I can pick up super quickly on and adapt to do different things with and that is one of them it seems. I look forward to being able to make new and different things. Well I have more blogging to do but I am going to grab a moment to do some artwork. 

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