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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Random thoughts bourne of cabin fever

Sitting here waiting on spring to arrive it feels like forever away. I am watching the tree across the street bud out heavily and tease me with Spring while the snow just won't quit falling. :/ Typical. So tired of the cold. 
Anyway some random thoughts. I figured out that one reason I was failing on my weight loss before was I was concentrating too much on the scales. Apparently a common problem. This time around I was shocked by the inches lost factor vs. lbs lost. Big difference. While my weight was not changing much the inches are in fact coming down. The weight is now starting to come down as well but this has been one inspiration that and noticing my clothes are getting too big. (though almost sad to see my favorite pants go....ALMOST LOL) I am so anxious for the warmer weather and to be able to get out and start walking a lot more. Maybe even *gasp* jogging or running. My son has a bike that we need to air up for him to get around on and I guess I need to get mine going as well. Want to get a trailer thing for my youngest if she isn't too big for it and a bike going for hubby (if I can talk him into it LOL Though I know he will do the walks with me) I wish we had a decent gym here. Or the Y was closer. May try to do something like that anyway. I'm continuing my dancing and so far so good with the at least 10 min of exercise for 5 days a week. Also if it were warmer I'd like to start working on a greenhouse type thing. There are a few things up kind of in the air but nothing bad just more of which way will we go type things. Still see so much potential in this year. I am still continuing to work on my artwork though I had a painting I was so happy with mysteriously get damaged. No clue how but it was one I'd planned to enter in the county fair this year. I may have to try to do something else. 
My mom was injured in the last month when she fell and broke her hip. She didn't honestly believe the fall was that bad and was rather shocked to find out what injury had actually incurred. She is recouping. My youngest has missed a full week of school due to weather and we are all out of our groove and out of sorts. 
I really do still believe though that this will be a year of change and growth. It all ready seems to be in other ways. Just so long as it is GOOD chance and growth :)  

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