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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Signs of spring

I took a pic but don't have it uploaded yet to post it but I am going to make a prediction of early spring. I am really hoping I am right. Doesn't mean we won't have another cold snap or two but I think all in all it may be early. I am basing this off watching natural signs such as patches of green grass coming up and a lot of trees starting to bud. The pics I took were of the slippery elm trees with thick budding on them. Almost looking ready to leaf out. Birds are starting to come in. Soooo anyway really hoping. Not enjoying the cedar pollen right now. I have a really bad allergy to it. I spent time outside today visiting my older girls and I am hoping it doesn't kick me in the butt later. I enjoyed the visit though. I am ready to be able to start taking walks and such. I am wanting really badly to get a fitness tracker which I can do and make payments but I want to make sure it is a good one and worth it and I hate spending much on myself. :/ Soooo I am trying to talk myself into it because I see it as something I will really use and to stay motivated with. Right now I am still doing my belly dancing and sometimes when I'm cooking or doing something in the kitchen I will put on one of my shows and walk in place (more like highstep or jog really) and set the microwave timer for at least 10 minutes. Still calorie counting (trying to not cheat much on that) When I do my dancing I do it in a sports top (I always show my midriff anyway because I need to see that I am doing the moves right) but so I have to see myself (to encourage change) Not sure if that part is positive or negative LOL Trying to push through the pain on my RA days. (Rheumatoid arthritis which makes my joints stiff and painful when it is acting up)   Well while I was writing this out after a LOT of thought and going through the pros and cons of each I found a fitness tracker that wasn't too expensive but had good reviews and seems pretty accurate and am getting that one. Doesn't have all the cool stuff like the newer ones (fitbit and all those) but still seems like a good choice for me for less and reviews say it is pretty accurate so here goes...    We'll see how it works :) 
I'm continuing to work on my art. My page Through the Eyes of the Storm is where I put all my works. I am starting to find more balance in my life even despite certain problems ...have a vehicle to use but not one that we can fit everyone in right now have to wait on SSI to approve us scrapping our old van so we can move on things like that. Also this year actually appears to have a bit slower relaxed theme to it which is really nice after a good couple years of feeling like everything was on high speed and chaos. It can stay calm for awhile. :)

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