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Friday, January 3, 2014

Just checking in

 Glimpse of part of the painting :) Like a little corner of it :D 

Well still sticking w/ my resolutions so far. It amazes me when people seem to have given up on theirs not even a week in. :) At least wait a couple weeks a month LOL I plan on sticking these out. I am using Sparkpeople to keep track of calorie counting, exercise, and pick up general tips and recipes. They really do have a wealth of information there. I've used Myfitnesspal as well in the past with good results. Just depends on if you want to keep track of your goals (though I believe both have groups) or if you want something with more detail in any case both are good programs. I've all ready lost a couple lbs since I started which hasn't been very long. I also found diet deficiencies. Calcium I wasn't getting any of and even with taking a supplement now I am still a little low. So fixing those and trying to drink more water. I can't say I cut out caffeine since I drink instant coffee (I dunno why but regular coffee does weird things to me and I can't drink it but am so happy I figured out I can have instant though am clueless what the difference is...other than regular tastes better :(    ) 
I am also keeping up with my be more active despite cold weather and other inferences. Cold weather makes me want to hibernate and I crave sunshine (which should tell me something since I was so dangerously vitamin D3 deficient last year) Anyway. So I am finding ways to stay active indoors and another problem was while I like to do my belly dancing the tv is in use a lot by other family members so I am finding ways around that. Keeping movement going if I am in the kitchen doing dinner. Found some little exercises I can do in that respect (at least 10 min a day) and a chair exercise cardio thing I can do if I am at my desk (though I prefer moving around) I am also taking care of other tasks around my house that I was getting overwhelmed with. I always give the advice instead of seeing something as a whole break it down into parts and handle those so you don't get overwhelmed...I was still getting overwhelmed with some things because I have so many things going on that sometimes I don't know where to start. My goal is to take care of at least one of those things a day. I am prioritizing by what bothers me the most. What brings me down when it isn't done. I know that should be such a simple thing but seriously the last two years has been so high stress that has been nearly impossible. I am hoping for (and thinking it will be) a much quieter year this year. Anyway seeing things improve thankfully so far :) 
I still want to continue working w/ my paintings. I have one I started as a Christmas present but was unable to finish in time (they still got something) and I am still planning to finish it for them and have one I started a year ago for my mom and wasn't happy with it so felt uncomfortable giving it to her but after staring at it for awhile I have some ideas how to make it what I wanted for her.  It is sometimes really hard to sort what time goes to what and sometimes I may plan it out and of course that isn't how it goes. We've been off schedule anyway due to school being out and the wreck and all. School goes back in session soon so things should return somewhat to norm and then we need to focus on how to get a vehicle that we can transport us, the kids, and my mom and MIL in that drives decently in alternate weather etc. Will check in more soon.

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