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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Spring 2013

What will the spring and summer of 2013 hold for us? At this point I have absolutely NO idea. Usually I have at least some idea but not this year. None. We are attempting to move forward with some plants and have had a hard time so far due to illness. (Everyone in my house has caught that dratted cold that is going around and we can't seem to shake it) It is very frustrating but this does not look to be the overly hot and dry summer that we've had the last few years so maybe we can actually get somewhere with it. Everything for this coming year is up in the air. We'll just have to see where the cards fall. Too many transitions the last few years and they are wearing me out. Would love for things to slow down so we can take a breath and catch up so to speak but they never seem to. So many plans and so little time to accomplish anything. Or at least that is how it seems. Trying to sort things out into parts or sections so we can deal with those separately. I have started a few things though. My husband bought me some tomato plants and those seem to be going well. I am trying the experiment I'd seen recently with taking the part of the romaine lettuce that is normally discarded (in our case given to my son's guinea pigs) and planting it in a little garden and so far they are growing back nicely. My stargazer lilies are coming up really well (one had disappeared last year and I thought it was done for) my blueberry bush is getting really leafy. Even have a couple of strawberry and baby aloe plants going so in the gardening front at least we are doing well. (Still want some pepper plants and some herbs) Oh and my mint plants are taking over. Growing around where they were planted but not in that exact spot. ;) So for now we are playing everything by ear and taking each day as it comes. Will try and find time to blog when I can.

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