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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Some thoughts for today

While I am typing this I am glancing over to see my 1 year old jamming out to the song at the beginning of Psych. she had her head bobbing and was twisting and and one point was holding one arm up and bouncing. She really enjoys that song. I have to admit it is a really good show. The new season is coming on and I am excited about it. I love Destination Truth too mainly for the humor in the show and Josh Gates just rocks. Halarious. I guess for regular shows I need a dose of humor. Movies I prefer thriller, horror, and suspense.
Today we finally got to go for a decent length of a walk again. Something that lasted more than a total  of 5 minutes. Which was good. I need to be out walking and not fending off mosquito hoards. We had used some of that Avon stuff and it didn't work. Either it was just past it's "freshness" date (though I doubt it) or they just were very attracted to it. Abby had big bites on her from when we'd gone out a day before to take pictures of my rose. I was covered swatting myself like a scene out of the African scene. The part where this cloud of biting bugs descends on them. Another scene I had in my head was the Mist when a fog rolled in on top of it all. We've gotten tons of rain lately which the bugs absolutely LOVE. I enjoy the cooler weather though I don't enjoy the bugs so much. We finally got some Cutter spray which worked great and we made it through the walk bite free.
Some thoughts that came to me (I can be pretty random at times) was about food and the economy or more specifically ways to save money on said food. Our household consists of me, my husband, our one year old, and 3 teenagers. Anything to save money or be more economical and hey if we can fit "green" in there too what would it hurt? I had seen an article awhile back about growing veggies from seeds you get from produce you buy at the store. Buy a tomato for dinner, save the seeds, and voila! You have yourself some tomato plants for later. I have experimented with  this though I am lacking in the green thumb department. With the weather issues we suffer especially here lately this becomes a more difficult task. I opted for bell pepper seeds. These are numerous and seemed like an easy option. It worked. I just put them in an old flower pot we had with some potting soil I think my husband put some miracle grow in there. Probobly knew that the poor plants needed a miracle if I had anything to do with them. They grew wonderfully. I didn't get the chance to see them put on actual peppers though because sometime after that several things happened. One a large and very fat (after eating some of the plants) caterpillar made a home in the pot. I moved him out and continued to try. Then we had a flood which I didn't move the pot in in time and it drowned some of the plants. Poor things didn't really stand a chance. I find if I plant it out in the yard and don't touch it it tends to grow beautifully. If I touch it it isn't so lucky. We at this time have several pumpkin plants growing from discarded pumpkins from last halloween. I guess it took awhile for them to take root but one is getting really enormous. It has some fruit in the beginning stages where you can tell it is "something". I think someone with a bit more gardening know how may be able to really do well with a few veggies from the store. Some you can't do that with. Lettuce comes to mind but the article I read even included potatoes which my dad had long told me would not grow if you used the eyes from store bought ones. Guess he was wrong. You may see a future project on here. I may try to grow different plants and see how they do. I would love to grow edamames. I am hooked on them.
Anyway now baby girl is wanting some attention. She is trying to move things over to climb up on and make it over the baby gate and then getting mad when it doesn't work. I think someone is tired and very cranky.

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