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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Sick of the cold and colds

I have always made it well known I am not a fan of the cold. Nor do I particularly enjoy being sick (no one does I would think.) When these two come together as they usually do I am just over the top fed up. We did great for most of what I consider the winter (which is actually technically fall really) ....Ok so the holidays I guess I should say. My youngest had the one incident where she caught hand foot and mouth (it was going around pretty heavy with the younger grade levels) but other than that no one really got sick. Til like right around Christmas. Seemed everyone did. Not just our family but friends, relatives, neighbors, people at the businesses we frequent and for a lot of us it went on FOREVER it seemed like. In our particular family my youngest caught it first from school with the cough that never ended (still hasn't really) then my husband (still has his somewhat) I caught it last and my mom and MIL has had lighter versions of it (thankfully not worse because I think it would be much rougher on them) off and on again...thankfully off right now. My son ...lucky him...really hasn't caught it though has been complaining lately of what sounds like some of it. Hoping his is just allergies but I keep eyeballing him to which he tells me he is not telling me his secret of immunity ...except that he usually catches it around his birthday after the rest of us are over it so he can send it round again. I told him to cut that out. My youngest and I were given antibiotics for sinus infections and got a wee bit better and then it caught up to us again more recently. Hers in the form of a SECOND round of hand foot and mouth only this time only the blisters in the throat and mouth (still bad enough that stuff is painful) with the fever. I was like what are you doing licking the other students to see what you can come home with? None of the other kids ever caught that it is so weird to me though there is a lot going around now that wasn't when they were little. She also seems to have the cruddy immune system that I do and I feel horrible for her in that aspect. :( My son just looks at us and moves the lysol can to his desk. As for me it came back in the form of a severe ear infection that I think was about a day away from busting though it had not really hurt before I was more concerned about the horrible cough I had but they gave me antibiotics and after having to go back in later due to breathing issues (turned out to be bronchitis...I am very thankful it is not pneumonia but it is a very seriously bad cough with congestion....worst in a very long time ... and I can't lay down to sleep) I am on steroids on top of that now and an inhaler (all ready had the inhaler just have to use it several times a day) so hopefully we can kick this stuff. My husband has like an asthma type cough that I think is from when the cedar pollen decides it is sexy time around here and tries to kill everyone in the state with it. I've had several friends who are sicker than they ever have been this year and even my girls have been sick and the grandbaby. :( Hate it. Ready for warmer spring time weather and some sunshine. I think it would do us all some good really. I think being able to get outside and enjoy the weather more and open all the windows would be great. Plus missing everyone. No one has been able to get together much with all this the weather, being sick and then trying to finugle work for some and things going on for them just is difficult. I am hoping here in a month or two I get to see a friend I haven't seen in a very long time even if just for a few hours. Would be pretty awesome. Hopefully this will happen more often as if all goes well they are moving closer. :) They've had a rough year or so. I am hoping the move will help some and things will turn around for them they deserve so much more happiness and peace. 
I haven't been able to as much for the last month or two but I have been working on my crochet and artwork some. Hubby keeps reminding me and my son...county fair county fair LOL.... We both want to do projects again and wanted to take more time doing them. I need to get a painting going but for now working on a scarf and hat for someone. The scarf went slow due to all going on so took a month or so but it was a lot of putting it down and not doing it for awhile and then picking it up again. The hat I did in a couple of hours today. (is almost done) I've been working on my digital and have one I need to finish. 
 still working on it. Song of Spring is the title. 

This one I have finished. 
and this one I did for my daughter. Part long running joke we have going and part just wanting to try something different. 
Going to try to get on my deviantart account more often and upload things. My deviantart feel free to add me if you are on there. I normally go by Felistorm but this is the latter half of it. Stormdragon4 (I had to add a number) Maybe I can fix it eventually to truly reflect my artist name. It is me though. I just forget about the account as I tend to mostly use my art page on Facebook. I do have some prints up on there. 
On the gaming front I've finished Last of Us which was every bit as awesome as I'd expected and hoped it to be. I loved it. I am now playing Fallout 3. I have discovered I am pretty much a playstation fan. Hubby says I am just not a keyboard gamer as much and I have to agree. I do like some games on the comp but I just enjoy the way they are played on the playstation a lot more. (I guess other consoles too but that is my particular fave.)  At this point I am just rattling on about nothing really and so off I go. *Lack of sleep from coughing mostly at the moment I think* 

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