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Monday, September 15, 2014

Well I do have to keep this one short but for starters went and saw my foot dr. He released me though I do have to finish up my PT (5 sessions left that I need to set up) Foot is doing a lot better. Have some preventative stuff that I do at home too now. So anyway yay for that. I got hit with a whole bunch of news at once today and really not sure how much of it to share and how much of it to stay pretty vague on (though it seems I need to stay vague for now on all of it) but part of it involves a family member that is having some pretty scary health issues. Sadly they aren't close enough (physically) for me to do as much as I'd like but please keep them in your thoughts, prayers, light and love appreciated for them.  I may share later as I know more and I know it is okay to do so. 
Got papers in the mail today that took me completely by surprise. Don't know what to make of that just yet. Nothing bad really just sort of a wait and see what happens sort of thing. (dunno how else to put that. Not directly about us but can affect us indirectly) Again may say more as I know more on that one. So long story short... keeping it short because I can't share too much as of yet on anything yet I am feeling a lot of emotions on this. As for the family member.. hopeful but nervous for them will feel better when they know more. As for the papers... totally up in the air... curious...surprised....still in shock as it came out of the blue... just really not sure what to feel about it. Could be a good thing but have to wait and see I guess.  Anyway sorry for the vague postings but while I wanted to say SOMETHING I can't say too much yet on anything. Kinda frustrating in a way :P  

In other news... working on my fall cleaning. Wanting to work on my crocheting (need to make arm warmers and such). Working on a drawing for a friend that I have started just need to complete and see if it was what they were wanting. Got distracted today. I am not a morning person and to be out and about to my appt on top of lack of sleep it kicked my butt. My youngest has a hard time with allergies despite being on prescribed stuff for them and whatever is in the air sucks right now. It has been waking her up at night and way too early in the morning.  I think hers has developed into a cold and well my hubby and I have it some. My son and his awesome immune system has thankfully won out against it for now though he suffered a bit at the start of allergy season. Doing fine now though. 
I am working on learning more German and maybe some Spanish. I found I retained some Spanish while helping my son with his Spanish class and also from Abby watching Dora. *sigh* Anyway trying to expand on that. My son has been getting interested in computer coding and he does really well with complex ideas so he learns faster with things like that. He tends to get bored if it is too easy and loses interest. 
Hoping we can get to go fishing a few more times before it gets too cold. My son likes finding fishing gear (bobbers that strayed off etc) when we are there, taking pics, and catching lizards. (yeah he does actually fish some) he got my youngest using a net to catch minnows and I think she wound up liking that better than actual fishing. It is kind of relaxing. Other than that trying to get going with my fall cleaning and getting ready to start doing some winterizing. :/ I want to enjoy some in between weather though first. 
Taken at the fair when we went to enter our stuff. It was raining on the actual fair day but the kids still had fun. They had some kind of inflatable ride thing inside. My youngest did it but my son wasn't so keen on the idea LOL He was having too much fun harassing me :P 

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