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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Spring fever...or cedar fever

 Older artrage drawing

Well it appears spring is finally upon us. Unfortunately for myself as well as for many other Oklahomans (and Texans) this particular last few months (Jan-March) is cedar fever time. For me this means severe breathing problems and this year I was diagnosed with bronchitis with possible (likely) pneumonia. Dr basically said they would have done the X-rays for it but decided since they were medicating anyway for it there radiation exposure was redundant and not needed. I was told I can expect the cough for about a month. yay me. I am definitely not the only one suffering from it right now it is affecting a LOT of people the same way. It makes me want to move to a state with less (or no LOL) cedar trees as this particular months are scary for me and my family. It has actually killed a few people from what I understand. If I had the way and the means I'd do it. Someplace with a pool that I could breathe. Not TOO hot but not overly cold either. Very sick of that too. My mom is recovering from her broken hip and doing great with that. Now is the time I'd like to be spending doing yard work and clean up and yet I have to limit my time outside :( Want so bad to go enjoy the sunshine. I am so white right now. Want to start going on my walks (I set the 20th ...first day of spring and my anniversary to start that) I've been on a steroid for the stuff I've been fighting that increases appetite. Sucks when  you are trying to lose weight but I needed it. (besides the other I've been fighting sinusitis and upper respiratory you name it) I am anxious to start setting up seed planting and going to the garden center. 
The other day I had a weird incident where my computer froze so I rebooted and it came up with an entirely new screen. Not like an earlier version or anything like that it was like I had a completely different version of windows installed. All my settings were gone for Chrome etc. So I get everything set back up and then next think I know when it rebooted the next day for AVG updates...BOOM it was back to the way it had been originally with all my original settings restored. Dang possessed computer. 
My youngest child has decided (thank you lego movie and McDonalds) that she loves batman now and her favorite color is black LOL :) She insisted on wearing a cape to bed one night and declared she couldn't wear earrings anymore (she just got them back in December) because batman doesn't. Got around that one by telling her you never know he might be under that mask. O.o LOL She told me last night her new favorite birds were Robins LOL She cracks me up. She also told me she needs to check my hair for "sharks". There is a syfy movie right there. We are trying to loosely make plans for spring break. Might just do spur of the moment stuff since planning never works out well for us. Hopefully everyone will be doing well enough to enjoy it. My son's birthday also falls during spring break. 
Also I'd just like to take the time again to recommend Zinni for anyone who wears glasses. Love them. They are cheaper than most places for the frames (lenses depend on your prescription but still not bad) Shipping took a while the first time but the 2nd was here pretty much in a week. Most of the things like scratch coat and all are free, comes with a really nice lens cleaning cloth etc. You can order tinting, sunglasses (got some this last time that are clip ons for my frames) etc. Customize to your hearts content and then you can upload a pic of yourself and see what you'd look like in them. (one of my fave things because at the eye dr office I am blind as a frikking bat w/out mine so I am looking blankly in the mirror going ummmm when they say how do you like these. I have no idea. I can't see a damned thing!
I hope I can at least accomplish some of my goals this spring. Something always comes up but I try to focus on what I was actually able to get done. My art has been on hold for a bit. I am dying to get my hands on a piano and paint it for some reason. I may give in and do it when I get the shed and all cleaned out and have a workspace. right now I don't I would want to sell it after and I would like to start up doing Avon again. Seriously giving it some thought. It would be worth it if I had anyone that wanted to order. I have felt like I've been waiting on something the last few years and more recently I feel like I am almost to it. Couldn't tell you what it is ...just one of those feelings other than it is a good thing and involves self goals. Weird when you have a feeling like that and can't really explain what it is or why but hey it is a positive one so no complaints here. I guess I need to finish a few things up and go take the kids outside (drag them out LOL) and get some sunshine for a little bit while I can. Listening to Polica right now. I am so hooked on that band. Kind of haunting in a way. I love the way they sound. May blog more soon. 

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