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Saturday, May 18, 2013

School's out!

My kids had gotten an extra week of school as an extension but that ended yesterday so it is officially summer for our household (well yeah I know technically still spring but you know what I mean...) Today is also the start of a 4 day period of severe weather. Sitting here waiting to see if anything interesting happens. I've always been interested in the weather and I think some people take it as me being fearful of it or isn't that. I get like storm chaser type excited. Always found it exciting. Right now it is suffocatingly hot and humid though so not enough energy to get too excited about it. 
I've made some dietary changes and have done pretty good at sticking with them. Mainly because of the difference I noticed all ready. I went of wheat entirely and I've noticed I don't have the constant headaches, no more throat swelling up, my nose isn't driving me crazy all the time, and my digestive issues are continuously doing better and better (no more swollen/bloated tummy as an added bonus)  Granted I miss the bread and it is hard. Especially right now when we have lofthouse cookies in the house which I love but they are alas made of wheat flour so that is a no go for me. My biggest problems is family members keep offering me things I can't have because they forget. I just have to remain strong willed and keep turning the things down and reminded them when said things are offered because I know how I felt before and how I feel now. My allergy was supposed to be minor but my dr said she'd seen other people reacting as I do to it and that was the only way they seemed to find relief of their symptoms which well... that is how it has turned out for me. It is quite possible that I have had celiac disease as well but I did not undergo testing for this so really can't say that is what it was but if so then that is also why this has been so successful for me. 
I haven't decided yet really what all I want to do this summer. I mean I do have some plans weather cooperating but we'll see. 

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