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Friday, August 31, 2012

Last couple of months

Well as you can probably tell I've disabled parts of my blog and I will re-enable them soon but there has been a lot going on. I think the stress of too many events are what have led to health issues becoming compounded and I have suffered my 3rd stroke. To recap  in a very short time period we lost my father in law, my oldest moved out on not so great terms, my mother went in to the hospital with serious health issues (almost lost her...again) ...later we've found out she had a TIA (ministroke) herself as well as confusion leading to taking some medications wrong and her kidneys are now showing a lot of damage. I believe they said her liver is too. All of which (well the kidneys, liver, and stroke) can be complications of the immune diseases we both have. Anyway so we were putting a lot of time into taking care of her (and trying to get more help in for her so that she has the help she needs and doesn't have to go to a home and we still have our hands free when we need it) ...oh and she also had a second incident but thankfully that was under the watchful eye of her home health nurse... and someone (lets just say due to the nature of complaints they sort of told on themselves...might not have been them directly but possibly things they were saying to other people....) anyway we had DHS called so had an investigation which is always fun. House needed some cleaning due to too much going on to keep things up so did that and we have been cleared as the other allegations were unsubstantial. Then the same time the city starts to harass us again and we had to give up our chickens though they could not specify what the actual complaint was and we were compliant with the ordinances. Just were told it is higher ups complaining. Soooooo to sate them they are gone and we took care of some other stuff around here. We've decided we want to move as soon as we can. Which this house gets paid off in about a year from now and we can start thinking more about it then. As for myself after all of this I'd been over doing things anyway and then I was having some stomach pain and thought it was due to over exertion and then later one night it become quite a lot like labor contractions. It was several minutes apart and very painful. (and no I am not....I had a tubal after my last one) I went to bed anyway and woke up around 4am and didn't feel good so I went into the bathroom and wound up throwing up. Just once but it stopped the cramping pain and then I felt better and I decided to stay there long enough to make sure I was really okay and then suddenly everything started tingling and went numb, I had no muscle control, and everything went white. I thought it was one of those weird moments I get every now and then and that it would go away in a few seconds. It didn't and I realized something was very wrong and I stumbled out feeling my way through the house to the bedroom. (My second oldest was asleep and never heard me trying to call for help...also apparently I was very quiet. I thought I was yelling but I couldn't really speak.) I managed to make my way to the bedroom and get my husband to call 911 and I have no idea how but I found myself back in the bathroom. After about 10 min. or so my vision began to return though it took a bit longer for muscle movement (or control of rather I could move but it was like trying to move a limb that had been asleep and was floppy) Took forever for ambulance to get there but they finally did and then went to hospital while he tried to get my youngest ready and get up there. Hospital service sucked by the way. They were mainly focused on me throwing up which I was trying to tell them that part didn't worry me so much as the blindness and numbness etc. They handed me 5 pills that were to dissolve under my tongue for nausea, cramping and all and sent me out of the room on my own even though I could barely walk and hadn't stuck the pills under my tongue yet. They told me because I have lupus they weren't going to test me for anything and that it was likely related to my lupus. My dr. is not impressed as I had a follow up appointment with her. Though she is having me referred to an RA dr. (Rheumatologist for autoimmune diseases) which most drs are surprised that I haven't been going to any way and a GI dr (Gastrointestional for the Crohn's that runs so heavily through the family as I am very likely to have it and it needs to be monitored) and she also says if I have another that I am going to need MRI's. I really hate it. Though thankfully this one did not leave me using a cane as my last one did. I had to use the cane for about 2 years or so.  Right now my abdomen is absolutely numb.Yet I still have pain on my sides and such and have a bit of infection going so I'm on antibiotics for that. Apparently it may take a short while for those symptoms to go away as well as some others I am having. I hate being down. Things need to slow down. I am anxious to feel like myself again. I am also tired a lot right now. More so than I should be and I think also wanting to sleep so I don't feel the discomfort. Other things seem to be falling in line but then some feel off or out of place. Kids are doing online schooling which they so far love. It gives us flexibility with appts too. You have to check in daily and you have to keep your grades up and also they will show you in percentages how much work you have done and how much they'd like to see you have done each week. Both are learning different languages too which is kinda cool. (Part of college bound courses) Anyway that is why I've not been blogging lately. Also on a completely unrelated note my birthday is this month. Another year older. Might go the county fair but I don't know yet. I think that would be the most we do if anything. Give me some peace and quiet (well okay peace and my music) and some time to draw and I will be happy. 

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