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Friday, January 15, 2016

2015 year in review 1st 6 months (mostly pictures)

I honestly haven't had much time to blog over this last year.  I like doing a year in review though they are kind of fun to look back on. I like the facebook app of "on this day" as well. It may seem like time flies by and sometimes this help put it in perspective. This may be a lot of photos for some months but there were some big events for us this last year. 

 Definitely was a cold month. Spent some time at Tecumseh lake watching the gulls

 This guy came to visit and I got a pic of him. Was up in our cottonwood tree by our house.
 Just me

 as always beautiful sunsets 

My supervisor. She didn't approve of what was on tv.

The trees had budded out. It appears they may have by early Feb as some of the ones around here all ready are budding and getting baby leaves.


 The mockingbirds doing mating dance. They'd just chased off the local mourning doves.

 flowers blooming. These were ones my MIL had gotten during a hospital stay and gave to us to plant so we were really pleased to see them coming up.

 Snowfall. We really haven't gotten much yet this year.


 We have some bird seed ready for when it does though.

March: March for us is my son's birthday this year he will be 17. It is also our wedding anniversary. That is on the first day of spring. 7 years this year. I normally do at least one gag gift but I haven't figured out what that will be yet this year. I take the usual traditional gift and put a spin on it. like cotton ..I got cotton balls and labeled them warm fuzzies. I don't even wanna talk about the leather one LOL I think this year though it is candy. I'll figure something out. ;) The spring months usually make for more photography for me. I just enjoy being outside.

 king of the mountain shopping cart style. Snow that had been left over that someone put one on top of at Walmart.

 more snowfall

 some of my crocheting. I had started doing wash clothes with cotton fiber yarn to learn different stitches.

 My son on his 16th birthday he had gotten Frosting-ed. :P
 We had gone to a friends house and his sisters were there and my grand baby. It was a good time.

 another stitch I learned.

 It finally got warm enough for the snakes to come out. I am always finding these lil guys around. (non-venomous of course) This one was particularly photogenic. 

 flowers bloomed more

 the trees as well

 over priced easter stuffed animals. my youngest had brought it to me and I had glanced and went no way.. then went and looked and sure enough those tiny easter bunnies were nearly 50$.

 Grackles that are commonly seen around the parking lots. I actually enjoy listening to them.

 the buds after they popped open into blooms.

 clover carpet before I had to mow it. Love it.

 The clouds were all for a tornado warned storm that came through next to us. Sent the kids inside my mom's house (it is sturdier) during tornado warning and of course...took pics LOL (We do pay attention to how close and such but that is sort of a thing around here) 

 baby's breath

 blanket I made for my daughter. This yarn is particularly soft. I made one for a friend of mine too and sent it to her for her new baby. :) 

April: another month with a lot of pics. There were a lot of snakes out that were seeking higher ground and a lot of people were finding them in their houses and we were no exception. We found two. A young rat snake on my kitchen table and a small brown snake that the cats thoroughly freaked out about. My daughters MIL found a much larger rat snake trying to slip in her window but they stopped it before it made it in. There was a lot of flooding during the spring and early summer. 

 I always love when the wisteria blooms 

 the dandelions always bring a lot of bees but we actually don't mind them.

 easter egg hunt when my youngest was in Kindergarten. We kinda helped watch the baskets because it was super windy and they kept blowing over.

 dandelion she found and put in an upside down mushroom.

 again a lot of snakes. Most I think I've ever seen in our yard.

 Despite the head shape yes this guy is non venomous. He is a a species of rat snake. Though while not venomous he is not as friendly as the regularly found black rat snake. This is the Western I believe (I'd have to look) but he is very likely to strike. (I've been bitten by them. Not painful but still you would rather not) This particular one was on my kitchen table and I nearly walked right past him til I saw movement and I stopped and looked over and he was reared up watching me. I removed him and gave him a home in our garden.

 baby's breath

 I LOVE wisteria. I am so glad my dad didn't remove it all.

 My oldest and my grandbaby when over for a visit. She has grown so much just since this pic.

 My youngest had gone to the Seminole childrens museum on a field trip and was so proud of having her face painted. We went to town like this after. ;D

 My son likes ducks and we thought this was cute.

 we find a lot of wildlife when gardening. A snail she found.

 ladybug that came home with us on our pepper plants. It stayed for a few days.

 birds egg they found

 napping bumble bee. 

   if you take store bought lettuce (I use romaine) or green onions etc you can regrow it by keeping the root part in a deal of water til it grows roots and then plant it in dirt.

 my roses

 Wild roses

 my bicolor rose.

May: This month had a couple big trips in it. One was a zoo trip. First one I had made in years and years. We would like to go back sometime to see parts we missed. The other was the Mid Fair in Norman. Also been years and years since I did that.
 This guy was cool. He had the moves and talk and everything down with this.  This was over by the belly dancers which I was of course super  excited about. They asked for people to come out and dance and I nearly got told on LOL My husband and son were trying to get me to. I'm not that brave right now thanks :) 

My husband had left for the bathroom with my daughter and my son took this for me and he had to tell him see what happens when you leave? She gets picked up by strange pirate men LOL :D We saw several of our friends there which was nice. One in particular I reallllly wanna go see sometime but life I think has had us all so busy it is hard. Though I hope to try to do the fair again this year....maybe. I dunno but I'd like to try.  

  mermaids at the mid fair.

 My youngest held a tarantula at this. Braver than I!

 My son

 My youngest rode one. We tried to get my son to but he wasn't having none of that.

  My son chose this one

 and my youngest this one

 she and I also got fans we stopped at Thunderbird on the way home


I always find this snake interesting though it is highly venomous and the way it moves gives me eebie jeebies. The Gaboon Viper.

 The birds have this routine down pat. Wait til the closing time or so and get whatever food gets tossed out.

 my white roses

 crayfish holes are always fun when trying to mow

 The snakes seem to know what was on it's way. We got a massive amount of rainfall as the month went on. 

Still did some craft classes at the library

 My son and daughter on a car trip. She got worn out and fell asleep on him.

 local birds before a storm

 flooded ditch beside our house. We had to dig our ditch out from our driveway to redirect flooding into the culvert.

  this is actually a pretty deep spot though you can't see that due to the water rushing.

 view of our front yard under water at night with the street lights reflecting off it. It got up to the front porch.

even the toads seem to want some mercy from the nonstop rains.

 My youngest graduated kindergarten. Some of her artwork

 My mom. We found out she had Parkinson's and she had some issues related to it but she is doing pretty good atm.

 My 2nd oldest. :) 

 The water got high enough to get into the little building on the lake.

 one of the displays at our local grocery store.

 another one.

 some more of my youngest daughter's art.

 flower at my MIL's house

 playing in the driveway in the mud/water

little tree frog

 I enjoyed doing this style I actually got a lot of compliments on it and a lot of questions of how to do it. I may do it again eventually but I found a shade of red I love. I think next time though I may try a purple/blue mix mostly.

 depending on how it was styled it showed more of one color than another. Believe it or not I only used two colors to do this. I had the blonde in all ready and had left a patch of that and my husband helped me put the colors in and they blended in some places to create the rainbow effect.

 Me heading out to mow and my son snapped a pic.

 my son. He has really grown just in the last 6 months.

 Pics he drew

 I always find the brilliant color of these interesting. These are box elder bugs.


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