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Monday, August 12, 2013

How long has it been?

Since I blogged? I don't think I have many moments where things aren't hectic or just busy. I really don't. I keep waiting on things to slow down but it never happens. Still doing my GF thing and down a couple of lbs so long as I can keep that off and keep going down. Not the reason I am on it but hey I'll take it! Anyway right now planning out some projects. Some sewing, some art, etc. For a sewing project (guys you may wanna skip this part more of a girl thing)  I kinda went with my own pattern to play around and see what works best but for most this is one of those girly topics but making your own washable feminine hygiene pads. Don't ask what made me think of this but after living in a house full of girls those can be costly and for me this is just a test type thing. See how it goes. I am using a different pattern but if you are interested here is where I read up how to do it. make your own pads They are commonly used where things are not so disposable all the time. I figure hey we have disposable diapers for babies so why not? Also they cost a ton to buy the washables on amazon etc. anyway.... off that topic. 
(okay guys if you skipped that part you can pick up here LOL) I would like to start sewing other things as well. I hand sew as I am not really knowledgeable with a sewing machine. I have tried but we had a full class in home ec and my teacher didn't have the time for every student or any of us really so I didn't get to even do my project back then. Something I'd like to learn anyhow. Might get some patterns for my fave. style of clothes and such if it would save money as well as I could actually wear things that were more my taste. (plus can get into selling them) Would love to make jewelry more but need a space to safely work with seed beads that I won't be all losing them or fighting with the lil one with that. (Hubby has same need there) Would like to work some with chain mail-esque things which actually seems to be becoming more popular right now. Also plan on actually doing more with my art. (this is an on going thing) I bought some stuff to try out some non-digital stuff and would like to get some water color block pads and do some mixed media which seems to what I do best with though I have worked in several mediums individually. Acrylic being a fave, ink, get the idea. I like doing larger scale works and would LOVE to do some furniture refurbishing. Taking found tables and repainting them with my artwork to sell. The only thing is where we live they have a fit if you keep anything like that around even if you are working on it. I would like to have a work space for that. I've also seen pianos (some working) on craigslist that would be a BLAST to do! I am working more on my practicing with my digital art 
 my latest done on using the lascaux program. For some reason I am one of a lesser number of artists that prefers to use Lascaux. I feel more comfortable with that program. I feel it is also time for me to do more non digital work though. 

My youngest is starting school this year so at least for part of the day we will actually have some time to get some stuff done with out little hands to worry about :) I have another one leaving home this year too so will only have two kids still living at home. We are hoping other plans we've had that have sat on hold for like 2 years now may move forward or maybe some other future path will open up for us. It has been a rough couple of years though. I have been feeling more creative as of late though. I will blog more soon...I hope

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