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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Time stands still for no one

I am right now dealing with issues regarding my mom's health and haven't had as much time to blog really that or I have the time but if I so much as open the window to blog something else happens and I put it off. My mom finally made it in for her colonoscopy after another troubling night with the prep they give you for it. She had alot of trouble with it and couldn't really keep it down but fought through it and it worked. They checked her out and found so far a Hiatal hernia , 4 pockets where she has Diverticulitis , and two sections of dead bowel or intestinal ischemia and infarction . In other words two sections of her bowel quit receiving their blood supply. They had told her during this appt. that she should start getting blood flow back to them that she just had to sit up for 3 hours after meals and all should be fine. They took biopsies and told her they'd call with the results. She has an appointment coming up to see her regular dr. for bloodwork to see where her levels and all are. She is still getting nauseous which is not good as they don't really know why that is happening. I don't think anyone has checked her white cell count since she was in the hospital with this so we don't know that the infection is gone or just staying subdued. I don't know if the IV's she received at the last two appointments is what is keeping her going either.
In any case she received her phone call today and the news was not good. They said that the biopsies had come back with not good results. They said that she has to have treatment but did not inform her what this treatment would be or what the treatment was for. Told her nothing of the result ...just that they are bad and if she does not receive said treatment that she would wind up right back where she was with the hemorrhaging, diarrhea, vomiting, low blood pressure, high white cell count, etc. The dr. had told her before that she was lucky to have made it through that the first time. That if there was a next time it was not likely she would make it through so knowing that this news is hard to take. She doesn't see them for two weeks. (a little over that actually) 
We had really thought that from what they told us following the colonoscopy that things were going better but it looks like that is not so. 
I'm not sure what to think til after this next appt (or well two appointments) of hers or what to expect and I'm sure for her this is much harder. :( 

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