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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Unexpected turn in the road

Sometimes life takes a turn that you could kind of see coming but yet at the same time didn't really expect to see it go that way. I haven't been on to blog lately because we had a family emergency and I would like to take this time to bring awareness to these types of illness. 
My mom had to have spinal surgery awhile back. I know it was before the May 10 tornado because I do remember that. She got sick around June 11 with a lot of vomiting and not able to eat. We thought it was her diverticulitis and to be honest I wanted to call the ambulance that time. She said that no she would wait it out and so I listened instead of following my instinct. I should have followed my instinct. She assured me she would go in to the dr. after that and she did. The dr. gave her something for pain and all and that was that. She cut her finger badly on a metal fan blade sometime after that. It nearly cut it off and she had to go in for stitches and all and they didn't think she had broken it but later she went back in for them to remove the stitches and they said that yes they had in fact decided she had broken it. Fast forward to a couple of days or so ago when she started vomiting again severely. We had gone over to bring her dinner and she couldn't eat. We went over again to fix her up a new a/c to help cool her house some more because it is hot right now. Running in the 100's. Her face looked almost sort of grey but she didn't want to go in ....again I should have listened to my instinct lets just say lesson learned all to well now. I feel horrible. I told her to call us any time I don't care what time of night or whatever if she should change her mind or need anything. Well early the next morning (she of course waited til she knew we would be up with the kids) she calls and I ask if she wants hubby to take her in and she says no she can't sit up that long and she asked me to call an ambulance. Come to find out not only had she been vomiting severely she was bleeding and every time she stood (she kept trying to take care of her cats) She would gush blood. I was like holy crap mom why didn't you tell me this? (because she knew I would have hauled her butt in before that if I'd have known) So I called the ambulance and sat and waited with her til they got there and she was all ready to go. She looked somewhat relieved to go. She went in her nightgown and I put her purse and meds up on the gurney with her. She even left her flip flops. I didn't find out til later when I called the ER to check on her that I found out her white cell count was sky high and her blood pressure which has normally been too high was bottomed out so low that they couldn't give her any pain medicine or anything so she had to sit down in the ER for ever til that stabilized some and then admitted her and at this point she has been found to have a massive serious infection on one side of her abdomen we think it may be from as far back as her spinal surgery but we know it was as far back as June 11th. They were upset that the dr did not have her further checked out when she went in the first time. She at first thought she would be getting out in a short time period as soon as she could keep down liquids but at this point there is no clue as to when she will be out. She is on antibiotics to help try and fight the infection though they also said that the antibiotics she received for her injured finger may have helped slow the infection but at the same time this could make her more resistant to antibiotics. Mom has diverticulitis which means pockets in the intestines that can be aggrivated by certain foods, Colitis which means ulcers in the intestines, and lupus which is an autoimmune disorder as well as Sjogrens which is also an autoimmune disorder. This complicates things. 
She was told when she can keep liquids down some, the tenderness is gone, and the antibiotics start to work some they can go in and do a colonoscopy to try and see more what they are dealing with. That in itself may be awhile. She is on an IV drip and some meds to help keep the nausea at bay when they give her the liquids which she says everything tastes wrong and the drs have told her not to push it in that area. Just take them as she can.
Then when she is well enough to go through the colonoscopy they may wind up removing a piece of bowel but that is too far down the road to even think about at this time. I am going to go see her tomorrow or tuesday (looks like tues may be better) and this is hard for me because of the agoraphobia which sucks but this is one of those situations where I feel I need to suck it up and go. I am having health issues of my own. I am off to eat dinner for now but I thought blogging about this might make me feel a bit better. I am really getting worried and trying to take things a day at a time with worrying about mom. I really don't know what is going to happen at this point in time. I don't know what to expect. 


  1. I'm so sorry to read about you mom. You're right about taking it a day at a time. That really is all you can do, and pray...

  2. Thank you. I got a lil better news today so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
