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Saturday, June 25, 2016

Health journey update

It has been a little bit since I posted so I thought I'd do a quick update. I've been clean eating since Feb of this year (2016) I've of course had some slip ups as anyone likely would. I lost a good 10-11 lbs in that first month. I stalled out for a month in there and now almost end of June I am down 19 lbs. :) I am feeling better and am seeing some difference in my face and such 

From Feb. I was puffy, you could tell I didn't feel good, pale, was not happy at all.

June feeling healthier, not nearly so puffy. I feel like I look healthier here too. (excuse the weird facial expression) I was at the zoo here for my youngest daughter's birthday. I feel like I can start to see that glow I've seen in so many other people's faces that are doing this right now. I belong to 3 FB groups where I've found alot of support plus I still do the Instagram thing some. I do my own recipes now. I don't drink pop I drink water with sometimes tea added and maybe honey for sweetness, coffee (minimal), water sometimes with fruit, and as a treat aloe or coconut water. :) 
From Feb. I was unhappy, very over weight, and ready for a change. these were out of some of my before pictures. It is a continuous journey. I had yoyo-ed before and been so frustrated that every time I'd make progress I'd get ill and couldn't do the exercise and would fall back to this. I'd never been heavy til my mid-twenties and didn't know how to deal. I had other health issues and such that are now being dealt with. (a good dr is so important! I have one now I didn't before) 

I felt like my body was not reflecting the person inside at all. I made a decision to make the change to clean eating and it has made all the difference. I know I sound like an advertisement or something but this is what has worked for me in so many ways and while I am only a few months in I am happier as well as much healthier.

Me at the zoo random photo my husband took. Excuse the fanny pack LOL I had been walking and walking and I used that to carry my camera and stuff so I'd be traveling light and it was so loose that it slipped down over my hips. (need to tighten it though I don't use it often) It was soooooo hot. heat indexes in the 100's. I've started walking more when I can. Right now the weather is not very cooperative. It is too hot do the track during the day so I've been walking in the evenings. Trying to keep my steps up and stay active. I feel better, more energy, my feet are no longer hurting as they were. (I had planar fascitis and messed up tendons and they would become painful and swollen which made walking hard) I also have a condition called Teitse. This means the connective tissue in my ribcage becomes irritated and swells and restricts my ribs from contracting and expanding as they should. I also have a smaller than normal ribcage so this had been something to really work around. I'm getting it though. I am working on my art more. i have a 3rd portrait painting I am fixing to start for a friend. I also have one I will be doing for the county fair. For now I am working on my self and I am a work in progress. ;) :D <3 font="">
Our local lake 

Giraffe feeding. unfortunately mine didn't get to feed the giraffe the giraffe got done and walked away before she got that far in line.

The very photogenic bear.

The gorilla

momma and baby elephant.